程怡民,袁伟,菜卫东,张文敏,王铁燕,王燕,吴世仲,周利峰,罗琳,高尔生.北京、上海、成都三市剖宫产的影响因素研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2003,24(10):893-896
Study on the occurrence of cesarean section (CS) and factors related to CS in China
Received:January 20, 2003  
KeyWord: 剖宫产  影响因素  人口学特征
English Key Word: Cesarean section  Risk factors  Demographic characteristic
Author NameAffiliation
CHENG Yi-min National Research Institute for Family Planning, Beijing 100081, China 
YUAN Wei 上海市计划生育科学技术研究所 
CAI Wei-dong 四川省计划生育科学技术研究所 
ZHANG Wen-m in 北京市宣武医院 
WANG Tie-yan 北京市海淀妇产医院 
WANG Yan 中日友好医院 
WU Shi-zhong 四川省计划生育科学技术研究所 
ZHOU Li-feng 上海市计划生育科学技术研究所 
LUO Lin 四川省计划生育科学技术研究所 
GAO Er-sheng 上海市计划生育科学技术研究所 
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English Abstract:
      Objective To find out the occurrence of cesarean sectio n (CS)and to probe the factors associa ted with CS.Methods Women with CS as“ case group” and women without CS as“ control group”were chosen in a case-contro l study.Results Amo ng 14 071 childbirth women, 6 421 had CS (case g roup)with the occur rence rate of 45.6 % and 7 650 (54.4%)had normal delivery (control group).In comparison with the control group, the CS g roup had following several hig her rates [ with sig nificant differences between case g roup and control g roup (P <0.01)] :well-educated (78.9 % vs 69.5 %), white collar jobs (38.0 % vs 32.3 %), urban residents (79.1% vs 70.6 %), high monthly income (≥500 Yuan)(81.0% vs 70.6 %), of older age (≥25 years)(73.3% vs 63.0 %), heavier baby weight (> 4 000 g ram)(8.3 % vs 2.9 %), male babies (53.9 % vs 51.4%), BMI of mother (>24)(8.8 % vs 4.8 %), cephalopelvic dispropor tion (21.1 % vs 0.9%), intrauterine asphysia (20.3 % vs 6.7 %),abnormality of force of labor (4.2 % vs 2.7 %), prolonged labor (2.9 % vs 1.0%)and placenta previa(1.4% v s 0.4%).Our study also indicated that the hig her the educational level was, the higher the rate of CS appeared ;and the older the pregnant women was, the hig her the rate of CS was.In CS g roup, ov er 70 % primipara were over 24 years, and over 20% primipara had cephalopelvic dispropor tio n and over 20 % had intrauterine asphy sia in CS group.Conclusions At present, the occurrence rate of cesarean section was rather high (45.6 %)in China.The hig h rate of CS was more likely to associate not only with abno rmal phy siological medical factor s (eg.cephalopelvic dispro portion, intrauterine asphysia, abnormality of force of labor, and prolonged labour, etc.), but also with some demog raphic factors as education, occupation, income and age, etc.I t is necessary to take measures to reduce the unnecessary CS in China.
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