王志萍,李会庆.配对病例对照研究基因与基因交互作用样本量的确定[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2004,25(7):623-626
Sam ple size requirements for association studies on gene-gene interaction in case-control study
Received:September 02, 2003  
KeyWord: 病例对照研究  基因交互作用  样本量
English Key Word: Case-control study  Gene-gene interaction  Sample size requirements
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
WANG Zhi-ping College of Public Health, Shandong University Jinan 250012  
LI Hui-qing 山东省医学科学院基础医学研究所 huiqing4192@hotmail.com 
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      目的 采用配对病例对照研究探讨基因与基因交互作用所需的样本量.方法 logistic回归分析原理建立两基因与-种疾病相关性模型,以模拟参数值回代计算样本量,计算过程以QUANto软件完成.结果(1)基因交互作用越大,所需样本量越少;基因型分布频率P_r为35%(相当于显性遗传模型易感基因频率等于0.20、阴性遗传模型易感基因频率等于0.60)时,基因交互作用的样本量最少:如两基因主作用均为2,基因交互作用为2时样本量为700例;基因交互作用为5时样本量为200例.(2)探讨基因主作用与探讨基因交互作用所需的样本量不同.结论 提供了可供查阅的两基因交互作用样本含量值.
English Abstract:
      0bjective Sample size requirements for association studies on gene-gene interaction in case-control study.Methods Selecting different parameters(such as inheritance mode,susceptibility frequency,frequency of allele for disease,OR of gene main effect)and infilling them into QUANTO software based on conditional1ogistic regression mode.Results (1)The main parameters influencing the sample size requirements were the levels of interaction between genes and the susceptibility frequency.The numbers of sample were the same between recessive and dominant when susceptibility frequency were the same.(2)Sample size for testing of gene-gene interaction was different from that for testing of genetic effects.Conclusion It was convenient to use the numbers of sample size from the Results for gene-gene interaction in case-control study.
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