邱宏,余德新,谢立亚,王晓蓉,付振明.Logistic回归模型中连续变量交互作用的分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2010,31(7):812-814
Interaction between continuous variables in logistic regression model
Received:December 07, 2009  
KeyWord: logistic回归模型  连续变量  相加交互作用S指数  方法,Bootstrap
English Key Word: Logistic regression model  Continuous variableInteraction departure from additivity,Synergy index  Bootstrap
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
QIU Hong School of Public Health and Primary Care, Chinese University of Hong Kong, H. K. S. A. R  
Ignatius Tak-sun YU School of Public Health and Primary Care, Chinese University of Hong Kong, H. K. S. A. R iyu@cuhk.edu.hk 
Lap Ah TSE School of Public Health and Primary Care, Chinese University of Hong Kong, H. K. S. A. R  
WANG Xiao-rong School of Public Health and Primary Care, Chinese University of Hong Kong, H. K. S. A. R  
FU Zhen-ming School of Public Health and Primary Care, Chinese University of Hong Kong, H. K. S. A. R  
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English Abstract:
      Rothman argued that interaction estimated as departure from additivity better reflected the biological interaction. In a logistic regression model, the product term reflects the interaction as departure from multiplicativity. So far, literature on estimating interaction regarding an additive scale using logistic regression was only focusing on two dichotomous factors. The objective of the present report was to provide a method to examine the interaction as departure from additivity between two continuous variables or between one continuous variable and one categorical variable.We used data from a lung cancer case-control study among males in Hong Kong as an example to illustrate the bootstrap re-sampling method for calculating the corresponding confidence intervals.Free software R (Version 2.8.1) was used to estimate interaction on the additive scale.
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