郑建东,庞琳,徐杰,柔克明,肖冬,吴尊友.北京市大学在校生男男性行为者HIV感染状况及其相关危险陛行为调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2011,32(4):337-340 |
北京市大学在校生男男性行为者HIV感染状况及其相关危险陛行为调查 |
Study on the prevalence of HIV and AIDS.related risky sexual behaviors among male university students who have sex with men In Beijing l China |
Received:December 08, 2010 |
DOI: |
KeyWord: 男男性行为者 艾滋病病毒 危险性行为 大学生 |
English Key Word: Men who have sex with men Human immunodeficiency virus Risky sexual behaviors University students |
FundProject:美国国立卫生研究院福格底围际中心中国艾滋病预防多学科培训项目(1U2RTW006918一01) |
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Abstract: |
目的了解北京市大学在校生男男性行为者的HIV感染状况及其相关危险性行为。方法研究对象主要通过网络招募,采用自填式问卷调查。问卷内容包括人口学信息与艾滋病相关危险行为等。问卷完成后采集血液样本进行HW血清学检测。单因素分析采用f检验,多因素分析采用logistic回归。结果研究成功招募157人。平均年龄为(22.7--+2.8)岁,少数民族占12.1%,77.7%自我认同为同性恋。98.1%曾有肛交行为,73.9%报告肛交是常采用的性行为方式。157人中近6个月有58.6%发生过无保护肛交,有58.O%口交时从不使用安全套,其中59.2%存在多性伴(性伴数≥2)行为。近50.O%认为自己不可能感染HIV或者风险很小,检测发现HW阳性率为2.5%。logistic回归分析结果显示,曾与陌生人发生性行为(OR=13.10)、了解“肛交时做主动方比做被动方感染HIV风险小”(OR=3.37)以及曾去同性恋酒吧(0R=2.49)是近6个月发生多性伴行为的独立危险因素。结论大学在校生男男性行为者无保护肛交和多性伴行为较普遍。亟需开展有针对性的干预活动,预防HIV在该人群中传播。 |
English Abstract: |
Objective To assess the prevalence of mV and risky sexual behaviors among university students who have sex with men(MSM)in Beijing.Methods MSM students in the universities were mainly recruited via internet.Questionnaires were self-administered to collect social demographic information and AIDS-related risky sexual behaviors.After completing the questionnaire,blood sample was collected to determine HIV infection through serological testing.x2 test and logistie regression were empio)red for univariate and multivariate analysis,respectively.Results A total of 157 students were recruited with mean age of22.7±2.8 years old,12.1%ofthem were minorities and 77.7%were self-identified as homosexual.98.1%had engaged in anal intercourse(AI)in t11eir lifetime and 73.9%reported that A1 was common sexual behavior they often practised.In the past 6 months.58.6%had ever had unprotected anal intercourse(UAI),58.0%never used condoms during oral intercourse.and 59.2%had multiple sex partners(≥2).Nearly half of them believed that they
were at low or no risk of contracting HIV and the prevalence of HIV infection was 2.5%.Data from logistic regression analysis showed that ever having had sex with a casual partner in a lifetime(OR-----13.10).understanding that serving an insertive role had less risk than being receptive during the AI (OR=3.37),and ever having been to a gay bar(OR=2.49)was independently related to having multiple sex partners in the past 6 months.Conclusion Despite the extensive programs 011 education,behaviors regarding UAI and ever having had multiple sex partners were silll commonly seen among university MSM students.Interventions were needed to prevent HIV transmission in this population. |
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