刘建生,邵聪文,赵卫中,张云昆,吉玛,朱艳菊,马忠飞,马绍辉.2009年云南省柯萨奇病毒B5分离株A210/KM/09全基因序列分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2014,35(3):307-311
Genomie characteristics of eoxsaclOevirIB5 A210/KM/09 strain isolated in Yunnan,China
Received:August 13, 2013  Revised:June 08, 2012
KeyWord: 柯萨奇B组5型病毒  全基因组  序列分析  进化树图
English Key Word: Coxsaekievirus B5  Complete genome  Sequence analysis  Phylogenetie analysis
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Liu Jiansheng  shaohuirna70@hotmail.corn 
Shao CongWen   
Zhao zhongwei   
Zhang Yunkun   
Ji Ma   
Zhu Yanju   
Ma ZhongFei   
Ma Shaohui   
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      目的分析柯萨奇病毒B5(cvB5)云南分离株A210/KIVI/09全基因序列及其遗传特性。方法设计针对CVB5引物,提取病毒RNA,RT-PCR扩增和产物直接测序获得序列,利用Mega 4.1、RDP3和SimPlot 3.5.1软件分析全基因序列。结果CVB5 A210/K1w09全基因组核苷酸序列长度为7 372 bp,编码含2 18,5个氨基酸残基的多聚蛋白;A210/KNU09全基因组核苷酸及所推导的氨基酸与CVB5/CCl0/10同源性最高,其同源性分别为92.5%和97.3%;而与其他CVB5毒株如17Y、19CSF、20CSF、1954/85,US、2000/CSF/KOR、03001N、CoxB5/Henard2010、CVB5/SD/09和Faulkner核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为80.1%一925%和95.0%一97.3%;A210/K_M/09与其他CVB5毒株的各区段核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为75.3%~96.3%和85.3%,100.0%,其中与VP3、3D区段核苷酸的同源性最低。基于CVB5全长VPl基因序列进行种系进化分析,可将CVB5分为A、B、C和D4个基因型,其中C基因型可再分为CI~c4基因亚型,D基因型再分为D1。D4基因亚型。中国CVB5流行株主要聚集在C4基因亚型,国外流行株主要聚集在Dl、C2亚型。结论A2 10/KM/09分离株为C4:基因型。
English Abstract:
      Objective To characterize the complete genome sequence of coxsackievirus B5(CVB5) strainwhich was isolated fromYunnan,China,2009.Methods Eightoverlappingclones coveting the whole viral genome(excluding the poly-A tail)were obtained by ImPCR andsequenced.with their nucleotide and amino acid sequences compared with other known CVB5 strains.Results The genome of the CVB5 A210/KM/09 strain had 7 372 nucleotides in length,andcontaining a 742-nt non.translated region fNTR)at the 5 7 end and a 98-nt NTR at the 3’end.Theentire open reading frame contained 6 555 nt.encoding a 2 185-aa polyprotein.In the coding region.there appeared no nucleotide deletion or insertion,but some changes of amino acid seemed unique.Based on the complete genome sequence alignments,CVB5 isolatc A210/KMJ09 strain showed thehighest nucleotide(92.5%)and amino acid(97.3%)identities to the CVB5/CCl010.It also sharednucleotide(80.j%-92.5%)and amino acid(95.O%-97,3%)homology with other CVB5 strains:l 7Y,19CSF.20CSF,1 954/85/US,2000/CSF/KOR,03001N,CoxB5/Henan/20 1 0,VB5/SD/09 andFaulkner.Blast between genome fragments.A2lOⅨM,09 showed similarity onnucleotide(80.1%-92.5%)and amino acid(95.0%-97.3%)identities with other CVB5 strains.The phylogenetictree.constructed on the complete VP:L regions,indicated that CVB5 could be divided into genotype A,B.C and D.while Genotype C and D could be further divided into C1-C4 and D1-D4 subgenotypes.Conclusion A210/K/VI/09 and other CVB5 predominant strains isolated in China belonged to CVB5 subgenotype C4.
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