杨光璨,石丽媛,郭英,张蓉,董珊珊,崔志刚,李伟,王鹏.云南省鼠疫耶尔森菌规律成簇间隔短回文重复序列分型[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2014,35(8):974
Genotyping on Yersinia pestis isolated from Yunnan province by clustered-regularly-interspaced-short palindromic-repeats
Received:January 18, 2014  
KeyWord: 鼠疫耶尔森菌  规律成簇间隔短回文重复序列
English Key Word: Yersinia pestis  Clustered-regularly-interspaced- short-palindromic-repeats
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Yang Guangcan Yunnan Key Laboratory for Plague Control and Prevention, Yunnan Institute for Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Dali 671000, China
Public Health School, Dali University 
Shi Liyuan Yunnan Key Laboratory for Plague Control and Prevention, Yunnan Institute for Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Dali 671000, China  
Guo Ying Yunnan Key Laboratory for Plague Control and Prevention, Yunnan Institute for Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Dali 671000, China  
Zhang Rong Yunnan Key Laboratory for Plague Control and Prevention, Yunnan Institute for Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Dali 671000, China  
Dong Shanshan Yunnan Key Laboratory for Plague Control and Prevention, Yunnan Institute for Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Dali 671000, China  
Cui Zhigang National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Li Wei National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Wang Peng Yunnan Key Laboratory for Plague Control and Prevention, Yunnan Institute for Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Dali 671000, China wp030801@126.com 
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