张彩霞,许意清,李宜霏,姜珍霞,张西江,张宁,李秀芳,姜宝法.青岛市35岁及以上暗娼安全套使用影响因素的三水平logistic回归分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2017,38(8):1073-1077
Three-level logistic analysis related to influencing factors on condom use among female sex workers aged 35 years and above in Qingdao
Received:December 02, 2016  
KeyWord: 安全套  暗娼  性伴  三水平logistic模型
English Key Word: Condom  Female sex workers  Sexual partners  Multilevel logistic model
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Zhang Caixia Epidemiology of Department, School of Public Health, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China  
Xu Yiqing Information Management Department, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530028, China  
Li Yifei Department of Business, Daxing District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102600, China  
Jiang Zhenxia Department of AIDS/STDs Control and Prevention, Qingdao City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Qingdao 266033, China  
Zhang Xijiang Department of AIDS/STDs Control and Prevention, Qingdao City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Qingdao 266033, China  
Zhang Ning Jiaozhou Love Center for Health Consulting and Testing, Jiaozhou 266300, China  
Li Xiufang The Medical School Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao 266003, China  
Jiang Baofa Epidemiology of Department, School of Public Health, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China bjiang@sdu.edu.cn 
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      目的 运用三水平logistic回归模型分析青岛市大龄暗娼的安全套使用影响因素。方法 采用同伴推动抽样方法于2014年3-6月在青岛市招募和调查35岁及以上暗娼(OFSWs)收集每名OFSWs及最近1个月5名性伴(不包括丈夫)的相关信息。拟合三水平logistic回归模型结合大龄暗娼工作场所、OFSWs和性伴水平分析安全套使用的影响因素。结果 共对420名OFSWs完成问卷调查,获得2 100名性伴的信息。结果显示,OFSWs的安全套使用情况在招揽客人的场所水平和自身水平上存在有聚集性。三水平logistic回归结果显示,初中文化程度(OR=1.450,95%CI:1.054~1.994)、高中及以上(OR=2.264,95%CI:1.215~4.222)的OFSWs安全套使用率高于小学及以下文化程度者;认为安全套能预防艾滋病(OR=2.004,95%CI:1.273~3.154)的安全套使用率高;认为性伴之间信任不需要使用安全套(OR=0.796,95%CI:0.745~0.849)、既往感染梅毒(OR=0.657,95%CI:0.478~0.902)的安全套使用率较低。OFSWs与熟客及一般客人的安全套使用率高于和男朋友的安全套使用率(OR=15.291,95%CI:8.441~27.700;OR=29.032,95%CI:15.413~54.682)。结论 青岛市OFSWs安全套使用情况受自身及其性伴的共同影响,要对OFSWs及其性伴同时开展干预,重点关注文化程度低、与信任性伴之间、既往感染梅毒的OFSWs。
English Abstract:
      Objective To analyze the influencing factors on condom use among 35-years-or-older female sex workers (OFSWs) in Qingdao by using the three-level logistic model. Methods From March to June 2014, OFSWs were recruited in Qingdao, using respondent-driven sampling. Related information on OFSWs and their recent five sexual partners (not including husband) were obtained by conducting a questionnaire survey on OFSWs. A Three-level logistic regression model was conducted to analyze the influencing factors of condom use between OFSWs and their sexual partners. Results A total of 420 OFSWs participated the survey as well as information on 2 100 sexual partners. Results from the empty model showed that the use of condoms among OFSWs having an aggregation that related to the levels of working sites and their own behaviors. Results from the three-levels of logistic model analysis showed that, OFSWs that having had junior middle school education (OR=1.450, 95%CI:1.054-1.994)/high school education or above (OR=2.264, 95%CI:1.215-4.222), knowing the function of condom use (OR=2.004, 95%CI:1.273-3.154) would have higher rates of condom use. OFSWs with higher score of attitude on condom use (OR=0.796, 95%CI:0.745-0.849), having had syphilis infections in the past (OR=0.657, 95%CI:0.478-0.902) would have lower rate of condom use. For the sexual partners, the rate of condom use among OFSWs' regular partners were higher than that of OFSWs' boyfriends (OR=15.291, 95%CI:8.441-27.700; OR=29.032, 95%CI:15.413-54.682). Conclusion Condom use of OFSWs was affected by behaviors of both OFSWs themselves and their sexual partners. Prevention and control programs should focus on OFSWs and their sexual partners at the same time. The key intervention contents should include target populations as:OFSWs with low level of education, having had infections of syphilis, those who do not use condoms with their trusted partners.
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