吴尊友.我国艾滋病经性传播新特征与防治面临的挑战[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2018,39(6):707-709 |
我国艾滋病经性传播新特征与防治面临的挑战 |
Characteristics of HIV sexually transmission and challenges for controlling the epidemic in China |
Received:January 17, 2018 |
DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2018.06.002 |
KeyWord: 艾滋病 性传播 流行特征 防治 挑战 |
English Key Word: AIDS Sexual transmission Epidemic Prevention and Control Challenge |
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Abstract: |
我国艾滋病传播流行已演变为经性途径传播为主,2016年经性途径传播占当年新报告HIV感染者人数的95%,异性性行为占67%,男男性行为占28%。异性性行为作为主要流行方式以西南地区为主;男男性行为作为主要流行方式则以东北及全国大、中城市为主。老年人和青年学生两个特殊人群的疫情呈现上升,且分别以异性性行为和男男性行为感染为主。检测发现HIV感染者和治疗HIV感染者两个控制措施的落实力度加大,配偶间传播明显减少,但仍有约1/3的HIV感染者未诊断。艾滋病经性途径传播在我国还将持续一段时间,控制艾滋病经性传播仍然面临诸多挑战。 |
English Abstract: |
Sexual transmission became the major mode of HIV infection in this country and accounted for 95% of the newly diagnosed cases, 67% and 28% of heterosexual and male homosexual infections, respectively, in 2016. Heterosexual transmission was mostly reported in South-west while male homosexual transmission in North-east and major metropolitan areas. Elderly and young students became the two special groups of people with increased reported HIV cases in the past years, with major modes of transmission as both heterosexual and homosexual. HIV testing and treatment of all HIV infections have been national control strategies and implemented and have significantly reduced HIV sexual transmission among sero-discordant couples. However, about one-third HIV infections remained undiagnosed. HIV infection through sexual transmission will remain a challenge in the years to come. |
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