葛宪民,杨文敏,朱秋映,吴秀玲,沈智勇,朱金辉,蓝光华,陈欢欢,孟琴,周信娟,丁冬妮,刘玄华,唐帅,黄精华,邓月琴.广西壮族自治区2010-2017年艾滋病流行病学特征分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2019,40(3):315-321 |
广西壮族自治区2010-2017年艾滋病流行病学特征分析 |
Epidemiological characteristics of HIV/AIDS in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 2010-2017 |
Received:November 07, 2018 |
DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2019.03.011 |
KeyWord: 艾滋病 新发现病例 流行病学 流行特征 |
English Key Word: AIDS Newly diagnosed cases Epidemiological Characteristics |
FundProject:广西壮族自治区科技厅广西重点研发计划(桂科AB17195010);广西八桂学者艾滋病防控关键技术岗位专项(桂办发[2013]3号);国家科技重大专项(2018ZX10715008) |
Author Name | Affiliation | E-mail | Ge Xianmin | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Yang Wenmin | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Zhu Qiuying | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | zhuqiuying2003@126.com | Wu Xiuling | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Shen Zhiyong | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Zhu Jinhui | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Lan Guanghua | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Chen Huanhuan | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Meng Qin | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Zhou Xinjuan | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Ding Dongni | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Liu Xuanhua | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Tang Shuai | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Huang Jinghua | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | | Deng Yueqin | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China | |
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Abstract: |
目的 分析2010-2017年广西壮族自治区(广西)艾滋病流行病学特征,为制定精准防控措施和模式提供科学依据。方法 根据我国艾滋病综合防治数据信息管理系统下载2010-2017年HIV/AIDS报告历史卡片,采用例数、构成比和率等描述相关疫情特征,采用χ2检验法进行统计学分析。结果 2010-2017年广西HIV阳性率12.53/万(85 182/67 959 000),新发现HIV/AIDS病例和当年死亡病例数分别累计有85 182例和24 783例,2010-2011年分别增加了22.34%(新发现HIV/AIDS病例数从11 648例增加到14 250例)和32.83%(当年死亡病例数从2 900例增加到3 852例),2012-2017年均呈连续6年下降趋势(新发现HIV/AIDS病例数分别为12 229、10 877、9 460、9 190、8 848和8 680例;当年死亡数分别为3 888、3 316、2 914、2 717、2 595和2 600例);HIV/AIDS晚发现比例均>50.00%(50.53%~57.06%)。2012-2017年新发现病例的男女性别比为2.47:1(60 639/24 543),≥ 50岁的男女性别比为2.71:1(28 654/10 557)。25~49岁占47.40%(40 377/85 182),≥ 50岁占46.03%(39 211/85 182)。职业为农民占68.40%(58 262/85 182),家政、家务及待业占11.21%(9 546/85 182),学生占0.86%(729/85 182)。传播途径以异性性传播为主,占90.60%(77 171/85 182),男男性行为传播占3.13%(2 669/85 182),注射吸毒占4.60%(3 924/85 182),母婴传播占0.73%(619/85 182)。结论 2010-2017年广西新发现HIV/AIDS病例数和当年死亡数自2012年连续逐年下降,但是晚发现比例均>50.00%,传播途径以异性性传播为主。广西艾滋病流行模式面临新变化和新挑战,应创新防治策略和干预模式。 |
English Abstract: |
Objective To understand the characteristics of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Guangxi) with a purpose to accurately provide scientific basis for prevention and control measures, 2010-2017. Methods Data were retrieved from case reporting cards of Guangxi during 2010 to 2017 through National HIV/AIDS Comprehensive Response Information Management System. Data was analyzed using epidemiological methods such number of cases, proportion and rate. χ2 test was used for statistical analysis. Results The HIV positive rate was 12.53 per ten thousand (85 182/67 959 000) in Guangxi during 2010 to 2017. The number of newly diagnosed HIV/AIDS cases and the number of death yearly respectively increased by 22.34%(2 602/11 648) and 32.83% (952/2 900) in 2011 compared with 2010, and both showed a six-year continuous downward trend (the number of newly diagnosed cases respectively 12 229 cases, 10 877 cases, 9 460 cases, 9 190 cases, 8 848 cases, 8 680 cases, and the number of death respectively 3 888 cases, 3 316 cases, 2 914 cases, 2 717 cases, 2 595 cases, 2 600 cases) from 2012 to 2017. But proportion of late discovery remained above 50.00% (50.53%-57.06%) for eight-years continuously. The ratio of male and female was 2.47:1 (60 639/24 543). The ratio of males and females aged 50 and over was 2.71:1 (28 654/10 557). Proportion of the cases in 25-49 years old group and 50 years old group accounting for 47.40%(40 377/85 182) and 46.03% (39 211/85 182) respectively. The occupation was farmers accounting for 68.40% (58 262/85 182), housekeeping, housework and unemployment accounting for 11.21% (9 546/85 182), student accounting for 0.86% (729/85 182). Heterosexual transmission accounted for 90.60% (77 171/85 182, homosexual transmission accounted for 3.13% (2 669/85 182), injection drug use transmission accounted for 4.60%(3 924/85 182) and mother-to-child transmission accounted for 0.73% (619/85 182). Conclusions The number of newly diagnosed cases and the number of death yearly showed a continuous downtrend for six-years from 2012 to 2017. However, proportion of late discovery remained above 50.00% for eight-years. The major route of infection was heterosexual transmission. With the change of HIV/AIDS newly epidemic mode in Guangxi, there are many new challenges for HIV/AIDS prevention and control work. Strategy of targeted intervention modes should be innovated for a new breakthrough. |
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