《中国人群身体活动指南》编写委员会.中国人群身体活动指南(2021)[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2022,43(1):5-6
Physical Activity Guidelines for Chinese (2021)
Received:November 19, 2021  
KeyWord: 身体活动  指南  中国人群
English Key Word: Physical activity  Guidelines  Chinese
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Composing and Editorial Board of Physical Activity Guidelines for Chinese  zhaowh@chinacdc.cn;li.keji@163.com 
Hits: 24051
Download times: 9796
English Abstract:
      Physical Activity Guidelines for Chinese (2021) is composed of seven parts, including the general guidelines, children aged 2 years and below, children aged 3-5 years, children and adolescents aged 6-17 years, adults aged 18-64 years, the elderly aged 65 years and above, and patients with chronic diseases. The guidelines is instructed by the Bureau for Diseases Prevention and Control of the National Health Commission, led by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and China Institute of Sport Science and completed by the Composing and Editorial Board of Physical Activity Guidelines for Chinese.
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