Epidemiology & Surveillance of Filariasis in Zou County
收稿日期:  出版日期:2021-06-09
宋觉民 山东省邹县卫生防疫站 
马柯 山东省邹县卫生防疫站 
摘要点击次数: 1862
全文下载次数: 557
      Before 1958, it was observed that ths infective rate of microfilaria larva among the residents in Zou County was 22.2-30.6%.As a result of mass screening & a county-wide treatment in 1958, the rate of infectivity decreased sharply. In 1974, blood samples from 381,313 persons were tested for the larvae. The percentage of microfilaria positivity dropped 0.08% and filariasis was coming to an end locally, Since 1975, a surveillance of the source of filariasis has been carried out. Every year, 3,000 persons from 3一5 brigades among 3—5 people’s communes where the infective rate with microfilaria used to be high, were screened for the infectivity.A thick blood smear was made to test for the larvae.The result indicated that the infection with filariasis among people in Zouxian was nearly eliminated with a residual minor sourcs of infection.The first source being those patients who had been found positive for microfilari-aernia repeatedly and second source baing the newly settled filarial carrier.The third source consisted of those were for recovering microfilaria from blood smears during previous investigations. Following epidemic control measures, the indoor density of mosquitoes was coming down to an average level of 1.0—3.1/maapower quarter. It suggested that the spread of filariasis was under control.
In term of the “threshold value” of low-grade microfilariaemie for transmission by mosquitoes, it was revealed that in case the concentration of microfilaria in blood less thaa 1 per 120mm3 (six drops) tits presence seems to play a small role in transmitting filarial infection.
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