Preliminary Study on Serological Epidemiology of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrom
收稿日期:  出版日期:2021-06-09
张作儒 河北省卫生防疫站 
孟宗达 河北省卫生防疫站 
伦继宗 唐山市卫生防疫站 
解宝光 唐山地区卫生防疫站 
王明义 北京军区军事医学研究所 
么振海 秦皇岛市卫生防疫站 
刘金声 唐山地区卫生防疫站 
尹伊居 唐山市卫生防疫站 
谭保存 唐山地区卫生防疫站 
张春田 丰南县卫生防疫站 
牛建章 河北省卫生防疫站 
纪通讯 秦皇岛市卫生防疫站 
李德祥 丰南县卫生防疫站 
高惠敏 河北省卫生防疫站 
庞伯庄 北京军区军事医学研究所 
尹文明 河北省卫生防疫站 
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      Eight cases of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS) have been reported in Hebei Province since Nov. 1980. Seroepidemiological survays were carried out with indirect immunofluorescent antibody(IFA) and IFA inhibition tests at five places where HFRS cases had been found.
Two kinds of rodent reservoir were found, i.e. R.norvegicus and A. agrarius. HFRS relative antigen was detected in the lungs of R. norvegicus captured in a village of Fengnan County and two villages of Tangshan suburbs and the percentage of the rat carrying the antigen was 18.9%, 12.9% and 16.1% respectively. The rate of antigen carrier was 18.5% in Oct. 1981, and 15.5% in March 1982. This antigen was also found in the lungs of A. agrarius and the rate antigen carrier was 3.7%. 17.9% of R. norvegicus tested had HFRS antibody. All convalescent serum samples of 8 patients reacted at high titer with the antigen made from the HFRS positive lungs of R. norvegicus(1:2560-1:10240) and with the KHF antigen (>1:40 or > 1:1280). Whereas a sample taken at acute stage gave no reaction at 1:40 dilution, of 396 serum samples collected from the healthy person living at the village where the antigen had been found in rodent only 2 gave low antibody titer(1:20 and 1:160). All of 179 serum samples collected from the healthy person in the village where the antigen had not been found were negative.
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