曾凡明.湖北省荆门县疥疮流行病学调查报告[J].中华流行病学杂志,1984,5(4):226-228 |
湖北省荆门县疥疮流行病学调查报告 |
An Epidemiological Survey of Scabies in Jingman County, Hubei Province |
收稿日期: 出版日期:2021-05-29 |
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摘要点击次数: 2250 |
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中文摘要: |
本文报告了荆门地区疥疮流行病学调查结果,共调查6,698人,查出疥疮患者588例,患病率8.8%。全年各月份均有病例,3月份开始上升,12月份下降,9、10两月是发病高峰。地区分布以山区患病率最高(22.7%),丘陵次之(5.4%),平原最低(1.8%)。男性发病高于女性(P<0.01),10~20岁青少年为主要发病对象,患病率为11.3%(416/3,672)。尤以集体住宿学生患病率最高,患病率的高低与卫生习惯。居住条件有关,密切接触是疥疮感染传播的主要方式。指缝、下腹部、大腿内侧、臀部等部位的搔痒为疥疮临床主要表现。搞好个人卫生、早期发现和及时治疗病人是控制流行的重要措施。 |
英文摘要: |
A survey of scabies was conducted in Jingman County in 1980.Among sixty hundred and ninety eight persons examined, 588 (8.8%) were found to have scabies.Beginning to rise in March and to fall in December peak incidence was observed in September and October.The disease occurred in all seasons.As to geographical distribution, the prevalence of the disease was higher in the mountainous areas (prevalence rate=22.7%), than in the hilly area (PR=5.4%) and in the plains (PR=1.8%). There were more male patients than female.The prevalence rate of the 10-20 aged group was 11.3% (416/3,672). The incidence risks were related to personal hygiene living condition and close contact. The main symbtoms of this disease were found tb have affected skins of fingers, lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks which were very itchy. |
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