Ten Years' Studies of Malignant Malaria which was Drug Resistant to Chloro-quinine in Hainan Island
收稿日期:  出版日期:2021-05-25
蔡贤铮 海南行政区寄生虫病防治研究所 
庞学坚 海南行政区寄生虫病防治研究所 
曾乔卿 海南行政区寄生虫病防治研究所 
陈文江 海南行政区寄生虫病防治研究所 
王香凤 海南行政区寄生虫病防治研究所 
张海济 广东省寄生虫病防治研究所 
伍柱 广东省寄生虫病防治研究所 
黄褀林 广东省寄生虫病防治研究所 
任道性 中国预防医学中心寄生虫病研究所 
刘德全 中国预防医学中心寄生虫病研究所 
邱持平 中国预防医学中心寄生虫病研究所 
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      本文报告采用世界卫生组织关于恶性疟原虫对氯喹敏感性反应的体内7天法和4周法、体外微量法以及我们参照7天法改进的简化法,于1974~1983年对海南岛11个疟区县202个居民点内1,624例恶性疟现症患者和带虫者的调查结果。抗氯喹恶性疟在海南岛出现后,扩散较快,已遍及岛内恶性疟流行区,约51万人口受到威胁,山区尤为严重;抗性的比例和程度均高,且较稳定,抗性病例中R Ⅱ和R Ⅲ约占半数,配子体携带率高;大劣按蚊和微小按蚊均是传播媒介;抗性虫株同时对乙氨嘧啶有明显抗性。文中对几种调查方法的选用加以讨论,并提出加强防治和监测的意见。
      From 1974 to 1983, 1624 cases of falciparum malaria patients and carriers were found in 202 residential areas of 11 malaria endemic counties in Hainan Island by field surveys. employing the standard test, the 4 week method in vivo, and microtechnique in vitro recommended by WHO as well as the simplified test modified from the standard test by us. The results showed that the chloroquineresistant P. falciparum had been spreading rather rapidly and stably since 1974 and was present in all malignant malaria endemic areas of five hun-dred and ten thousand people imperilled especially the hilly ones. In these areas the chloroquine-resistant strain of P. falciparum was found in great proportion and about 50% of the chloroquine-resistant cases were of R Ⅱ and R Ⅲ. The geme tocyte rate was also high. The anopheline vectorsare A. dirus and A. minimus. It was also found that the chloroquine-resistant strain expressed resistant to pyrimethamine too. The authors commented on the comparative merits of the different methods selected and suggested the measures on control and surveillance can be taken in the future.
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