Studies of Epidemiology and Etiology of Paragonimus in Hubei Province
收稿日期:  出版日期:2021-05-29
摘要点击次数: 1540
全文下载次数: 457
      Epidemiological and etiological studies on paragonimiasis have been carried out in Hubei province where is now affirmed as an epidemic area.
Basing on the morphological characterristics of the worm, the paragonimus are grouped to paragonimus West ermani and Paragonimus Skrjabini.
Paragonimus Skrjabini prevail in the mountain regions in the south-west, west and north-west part of this province, covering 27 counties, while paragonimus West ermani were distributed in 7 counties of south-east of this province.
The positive rates of the skin test was 14.48%, the infection rate and morbidity of this population were 8.54% and 3.93% respectively.
In epidemic area of P.Westermani, the first intermediate host was found in 14 species of fresh-water shellfresh of which the infection rate 0.09%. In epidemic area of P.Skrjabini, the first intermediate host were found in 14 species of fresh-water shellfresh loves classified into 5 genera and 2 families, the infection rate was 0-0.24% respectively. The second intermediate host were found in 20 species of the freshwater crabs grouped to 3 genera in 2 families. the infection rete was 19.7-100% respectively.
In the epidemic area of P.W. the definitive hosts were found in 3 species, in epidemic area of P. Skrjabini, the definitive hosts were found in 11 species of the mammal which were attributed to 6 genera and 4 families.
The discovies resulted from this study gives us a general picture of the distribution and prevalence of paragonimiasis in this province, there by corresponding control measures can thus be planned.
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