An Investigation of the Prevalence of Epilepsy in Three Northwestern Provinces of China
收稿日期:  出版日期:2021-05-31
薛金堂 兰州军区总医院神经内科 
杨金昇 兰州军区总医院神经内科 
金则斗 兰州军区总医院神经内科 
摘要点击次数: 1790
全文下载次数: 513
      Totally 150,000 population, consisting of workers, farmers and militarymen, have been scanned. There were 174 individuals diagnosed with epilepsies, the overall prevalence rate of epilepsy was 109 per 100,000. There were 101 workers (188 per 100,000), 64 farmers (127 per 100,000), and 9 militarymen (16 per 100,000) involved according to occupations. The prevalence rate was nonsignificant statistically between workers and farmers, and it was extremely low in militarymen. With regard to sex ratio, female's prevanlence rate was higher than male's. The prevalence of 10~19 age group was more dominant than others. There was nonsignificant between primary and secondary epilepsises too. For secondary epilepsies, cranial trauma and high fever had been considered as the main causes. 21 cases of primary epilepsy had positive family histories in relation to their close relatives. Grandmalepilepsia presented as the major type of attacks. Various extent of mental dificiencies were discoverd amony these patients. EEG abnormalities were found corresponding to epilepsy in 57 of 67 cases examined. as for treatment of the cases 91 patients accepted regular therapy in whom the symptoms were controlled; 54 with irregular therapy, the symptoms were improved; 29 without management, their condition remained no changes.
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