The Epidemiological Study of Esophageal Cancer at Yangchong County in Shanxi
收稿日期:1989-07-01  出版日期:2021-06-05
中文关键词: 食管癌  地区聚集性  家族聚集性
英文关键词: Esophageal cancer  Area gathering  Familiar gathering
贺立绩 阳城县肿瘤研究所 
韩小友 山西省肿瘤研究所 
李全胜 阳城县肿瘤研究所 
马尚钧 阳城县肿瘤研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1957
全文下载次数: 576
      This paper indicated that counties with higher incidence of esophageal cancer in Shanxi were found to centre round Yangcheng, Jincheng, Qinshui etc. by means of an analysis of the gathered areas on mortality of esophageal cancer in every county or city in Shanxi. These form a higher incidence area of noticeable and centric distribution together with other counties in Henan and Hebei. In all towns in Yangcheng,howeyerf there is no gathered areas. Since 1974, the observed tendency of esophageal cancer in Yangcheng has shown that the morta-lity ranges from 120?150/100 000,without change in male and in female. However, among the population the mortality in male is always higher than in female. And it increases with age in people over 30 years. Hereditary epidemiological data at Yanli Town in the county has demonstrated that there is significant difference between the distribution of incidence and mortality of esophageal cancer and the probability of binomial distribution, showing obvious familiar gathering of esophageal cancer.
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