Investigation on the Source of Burn Wound Infection due to Staphylococcus aureus in Children
收稿日期:1990-02-02  出版日期:2021-06-09
中文关键词: 金黄色葡萄球菌  烧伤创面感染质粒  噬菌体分型
英文关键词: S.aureus Burn  Wound infection Plasmid  Phage typing
刘友学 重庆医科大学儿科医院 630014 
吴仕孝 重庆医科大学儿科医院 630014 
摘要点击次数: 2115
全文下载次数: 637
      115 children with burn injuries were admitted between April 1988 and February 1989.Samples were taken from burn wounds, anterior nares and hands of every patient; anterior nares and hands of family members within 24 hours after admission.Samples were also taken from anterior nares and hands of medical personnel, air of ward and taps etc. 276 strains of S.aureus were isolated from 1544 samples.The rate of burn wound infection due to S.aureus was 25.2% and nasal carrier rates of patients, family members, nurses, doctors were 30.4%, 18.1%, 27.3% and 18.3%, respectively. S. aureus with the same plasmid profiles (1.6 and 1.9 Md) and phage type (618) as those of the burn wounds was only isolated from the anterior nares and hands of the family members and not from the medical personnel.It indicated that the S.aureus of burn wound infection mainly came from the hands of their family members and not from the medical persosnel. This may be due to that care of burn wound was mainly taken by the family members.
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