Study on Natural Infection, Biting and Transovarial Transmission of Epidemic Haemorrhagic Fever Virus in Leptotrombidium(L.) scutellare
收稿日期:1990-08-17  出版日期:2021-06-03
中文关键词: 小盾纤恙螨  流行性出血热病毒
英文关键词: Leptotrornbidium(L.)scutellare  Epidemic haemorrhagic fever virus
张云 南京军区军事医学研究所 210002 
史江 南京军区军事医学研究所 210002 
窦蕊 南京军区军事医学研究所 210002 
胡云龙 南京军区军事医学研究所 210002 
赵学忠 南京军区军事医学研究所 210002 
张应阔 南京军区军事医学研究所 210002 
张炳根 南京军区军事医学研究所 210002 
吴光华 南京军区军事医学研究所 210002 
范根蔚 陕西省预防医学研究所 
门儒和 陕西省预防医学研究所 
甘粤怀 陕西省预防医学研究所 
钱俊英 陕西省预防医学研究所 
任诚文 陕西省预防医学研究所 
周燕平 陕西省预防医学研究所 
封怀义 陕西省预防医学研究所 
姜克俭 陕西省预防医学研究所 
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      In order to clarify the significance of Leptotrombidium (L.)scutellare in transmitting EHF, from Oct. to Nov. 1988, lungs of rodents captured in endemic areas of EHF in Shangxi Province were taken for detecting EHF antigen by IFAT, Twenty-six out of 459 lungs were positive (5.7%).Six strains of EHFV were isolated from L.(L.) scutellare collected from the rodents. In Oct. 1989, 28 Apodemus captured from areas without reported cases of EHF were placed on grassland in endemic areas, free L.(L.)scutellare were lured in all mice and 3 strains of EHFV were isolated.
The above results demonstrate that L (L.)scutellare can naturally be infected by EHFV and can be transmitted via bites. It is also suggested that this species of mites could transmit the disease transovarially. These results further indicate that L. (L.) scutellare can serve as a transmitting vector of EHF.
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