A Preliminary Epidemiological Survey of Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis in Guangzhou during July to September in 1988
收稿日期:1991-03-10  出版日期:2021-06-03
中文关键词: 急性出血性结膜炎  流行病学调查  EV70型病毒  CoxA24型病毒
英文关键词: Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis  Epidemiological survey  EV70 virus  Cox A24 virus
宋益贵 广州市卫生防疫站 
邱季春 广州市卫生防疫站 
杨智聪 广州市卫生防疫站 
何卫平 广州市卫生防疫站 
刘津成 广州市卫生防疫站 
李昌遵 广州市卫生防疫站 
戴国珍 广州市卫生防疫站 
曾财娣 广州市卫生防疫站 
刘于飞 广州市卫生防疫站 
徐慧芳 广州市卫生防疫站 
张泽森 广州市卫生防疫站 
周秀珍 广州市卫生防疫站 
任蕴慧 广州市卫生防疫站 
章达明 广州市卫生防疫站 
杜福娴 广州市卫生防疫站 
罗不凡 广州市卫生防疫站 
摘要点击次数: 2766
全文下载次数: 650
      An epidemic of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (AHC) occurred in Guangzhou from July to September in 1988.The main clinical symptoms were feeling of foreign, smart pain, discharging ege, facial edema and conjunctival congestion. In some cases there were headache and fever. The patients recovered rapidly. Epidemiologic feature were that the incubation period of AHC is short, rapid spread, wide prevalence and high attack rate. Approximately 490000 cases of AHC are estimated to occur in Guangzhou from July to September in 1988, with the attack rate is about 79.5‰.Most patients were 20 to 59 age group(72.3%).The highest age of patient was 79 years old. The lowest age of patient was 6 months old.Both etiologic and serologic studies showed that this outbreak of AHC was caused by EV70, and then developed a mixed epidemic of Cox A24 and EV70.
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