A Study on the Relationship Between Maximal Titers of Anti-HBs Antibodies and Persistence of Protective Level after Vaccination
收稿日期:1990-03-20  出版日期:2021-06-05
中文关键词: 乙肝疫苗  抗-HBs  免疫效果
英文关键词: HBV  Anti-HBs  Immune effect
李淑秋 中国医科大学 沈阳, 110001 
石桂荣 中国医科大学 沈阳, 110001 
井立臣 中国医科大学 沈阳, 110001 
张苑菂 中国医科大学 沈阳, 110001 
张群弟 中国医科大学 沈阳, 110001 
胡宗汉 卫生部药品生物制品检定所 
宋珍珠 卫生部药品生物制品检定所 
巩志立 卫生部北京生物制品研究所 
赵铠 卫生部北京生物制品研究所 
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      本文自1985年对300名HBV血清感染指标均阴性者采用0、1、6免疫方案,经肌肉注射A、B、C三种乙肝疫苗,并按全程免疫后抗-HBs最高滴度将其中266人分为四个水平组(10~100,101~500,501~1000,>1000 mIU/ml),追踪3年,以探讨抗-HBs最高滴度与保护水平持续时间的关系。结果在三年过程中,抗-HBs最高滴度在10~100mIU/ml者,1年后52.6%抗-HBs滴度下降到10 mIU/ml以下。第2、3年则有84.2%和94.7%。抗-HBs最高滴度在101~500mIU/ml者,三年分别有5.2%、31.0%和56.9%,其抗-HBs下降10mIU/ml以下。而抗-HBs最高滴度>1 000mIU/ml者,即使三年后其GMT仍>100mIU/ml,并仅有0.7%,其抗-HBs降到10mIU/ml以下。尽管四组抗-HBs最高滴度不同,但其抗-HBs滴度下降率却无差别。首次免疫后前24个月下降快,几乎下降全部滴度的90%,以后下降缓慢。因此,以全程免疫后抗-HBs最高滴度来推测乙肝疫苗保护作用的持久性和加强免疫时间比定期测定血清中抗-HBs水平或统一定为3年或5年更经济有效。
      300 recipients with negative for HBsAg antiHBs, anti-HBc were vaccinated by 3 kinds of hepatitis B vaccine at 0, 1,6 months 266 students with maximal titers of antiHBs detected after the 3rd immunization were divided into 4 groups, 10~100, 101~500, 501~1 000, >1000mIU/ml. A study on the relationship between maximal titers of anti-HBs and the protective time was carried out. The results showed that in the 1st group the titers of anti-HBs of 52.6%, 84.2% and 94.7% recipients decreased to or below 10 mIU/ml when detected one, two and three years after vaccination respectively; the titers of 5.2%, 31% and 56.9% decreased to or below 10 mIU/ml when detected. 1, 2 and 3 years after vaccination respectvely in the 2nd group, while the titers of only 0.7%recipients decreased to or below 10mIU/ml when detected 3 years after vaccination in the 1st group. The decreasing rate of titers of Anti-HBs was similar in 4 groups. The titers of anti-HBs were 90% reduction after 1st immunization in the first 24 moaths. Then the deceasing rate became slower. Therefore, we suggested that peoples should be revaccinated according to their maximal titers of anti-HBs after completed course of vaccination.
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