A Prospective Study on the Relationship Between Abnormal Pregnant Outcome and Toxoplasma Gondii Infection
收稿日期:1990-06-01  出版日期:2021-06-05
中文关键词: 前瞻性研究  孕妇  弓形体感染  异常妊娠结局
英文关键词: Prospective study  Pregnant women  Toxoplasma gondii infection  Abnormal Pregnant outcome
赵仲堂 山东医科大学, 济南, 250012 
郝凤荣 山东医科大学, 济南, 250012 
潘玉珍 山东医科大学, 济南, 250012 
古钦民 山东医科大学, 济南, 250012 
展雅琴 济南铁路局中心医院 
石素英 山东医科大学附属医院 
娄惠生 山东省千佛山医院 
王淑珍 济南市历下区医院 
摘要点击次数: 1630
全文下载次数: 558
      对2 821名孕妇按弓形体感染情况分为三组,随访妊娠结局。结果发现,自然流产、早产、死胎和先天缺陷的总发生率分别为0.67%、3.47%、0.85%和0.96%。新近感染或活动性感染组这四种异常妊娠结局的发生率均显著高于未受感染组,相对危险度估计值(ORmh)分别为7.38、3.52,8.68和9.44。过去感染组与未受感染组异常妊娠结局的发生率差异均无统计学意义。抗体检出时间与异常妊娠结局发生的关系分析提示,先天缺陷的发生与孕三个月内感染有关。
      2821 pregnant women were divided into three groups according to the phenomena of Toxoplasma gondii infection, and the pregnancy outcomes were followed up.
Results show that the total incidence rates of spontaneous abortion, premature birth, still birth and congenital defects are 0.67%, 3.47%, 0.85% and 0.96% respectively.These four rates in the group serodiagnosed as recently or actively infected are significantly higher than that diagnosed as no evidence of infection 8 and the relative risk estimates (ORmh) are 7.38, 3.52, 8.68 and 9.44 respectively. Differences of the four rates between group diagnosed as past infection and that of no evidence of infection are not statistically significant. Analysis between the time of serodiagnosis and the incidence of abnormal pregnant outcome shows that congenital defects is statistically related with infection in the first trimester of gestation.
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