Comparison Study on Distribution of Two Types of HFRS Patients
收稿日期:1990-10-19  出版日期:2021-06-05
中文关键词: 野鼠型肾综合征出血热  家鼠型肾综合征出血热  血凝抑制试验
英文关键词: Type A of HFRS  Type R of HFRS  Hemagglutination iuhihition test
张桂宁 山东医科大学, 济南市, 250012 
王德琴 青岛市卫生防疫站 
王登忠 山东医科大学, 济南市, 250012 
张玮 山东省卫生防疫站 
彭康 滕州市卫生防疫站 
王乐忠 莒南县卫生防疫站 
摘要点击次数: 2381
全文下载次数: 705
      IFAT-positive serum samples were typed by HI and divided into Appodemus-type (type A)and Rattus-type (type R). The results showed that in pingdu and Jimo counties, the patients were mainly of type A, whereas in Junan and in Tengzhou counties, the patients were mainly of type R. The age distribution showed that 96.0% of the type A patients belonged to age groups between 15~54 years, and no patients were younger than 15 years, or older than 65 years. The age distribution in type R patients, however, showed 76.5% of them were 15~54 years of age. Male/Famale ratio was 3.3:1 in type A patients and 1.5:1 in type R patients. 80% of the type A patients were farmers. There were more housewives, students and children in type R than in type A patients. Type A patients usually occured during Oct. and Dec with only one peak in type A patients and two peaks in type R patients.
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