薛大燕,潘作清,周祖木,管红巧,林瀛洲,杨志川,林志诚.温州市区1988年甲型肝炎爆发性流行的传播因素病例对照调查[J].中华流行病学杂志,1992,13(5):275-277 |
温州市区1988年甲型肝炎爆发性流行的传播因素病例对照调查 |
A Case-control Study on the Transmission Factor of Hapatitis A Outbreak of Wenzhou in 1988 |
收稿日期:1990-06-22 出版日期:2021-06-05 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 甲型肝炎 爆发 病例对照调查 |
英文关键词: Hepatitis A Outbreak Casecontrol study |
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摘要点击次数: 2442 |
全文下载次数: 655 |
中文摘要: |
1988年初对温州市区甲型肝炎爆发性流行的传播因素进行病例对照调查,流行早期调查结果:有饮食店摊用膳史OR为9.08,食用毛蚶OR为3.63;流行中后期调查结果:有肝炎接触史的OR为5.02,食用毛蚶的OR为4.29。结果表明1988年我市甲型肝炎流行在早期以饮食店摊用膳史、食用毛蚶为主要传播因素,而流行中后期则以肝炎接触史和食用毛蚶为主。 |
英文摘要: |
This investigation described a pair-matched case-control study on transmission factors of hepatitis A outbreak in Wenzhou City in earlier 1988 The results during early stage of thee pidemic showed that, for the people having had meal in eating houses OR was 9.08, whereas for those having eaten clams OR was 3.63. The results during middle and later stages showed that, for the contactor of hepatitis A patients OR was 5.02, while for those having eaten clams OR was 4.29. The result of this investigation showed that this outbreak was related to eating in eating houses during the early stage of the epidemic, but related to both contact with HA patients and eating clams during middle and later stages of the epidemic. |
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