付文新,邢雅珊,王德浦,柴相武,褚洪勋,段凤霞,王继周,丛宣滋,隋卫东.哈尔滨口岸出入境人员传染病感染情况的监测[J].中华流行病学杂志,1992,13(5):285-287 |
哈尔滨口岸出入境人员传染病感染情况的监测 |
Surveillance of Infectious Diseases among the Persons Going Abroad through Harbin Port |
收稿日期:1991-03-22 出版日期:2021-06-05 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 监测 艾滋病 性病 肺结核 |
英文关键词: surveillance AIDS STD Pulmonary tuberculosis |
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摘要点击次数: 2540 |
全文下载次数: 632 |
中文摘要: |
对哈尔滨口岸7 447名出国人员、70名归国人员进行健康体检,结果在出国人员中检出HBsAg阳性携带者349例,阳性率为4.7%;肺结核41例,阳性率0.6%;性病4例,阳性率0.05%。在归国人员中检出性病2例,检出率2.9%。在出国、归国人员中皆未检出艾滋病和梅毒感染者。对检出的传染病患者都采取了适当措施,达到了疾病监测的目的。 |
英文摘要: |
This paper repotted the results of the health examination of 7 447 Persons going abroad and 70 persons returning home. The results showed that 349 cases carried HBsAg (with the positive rate 4.7%), and 41 cases with pulmonary tuberculosis (with the positive rate 0.6%), 4 cases with venereal disease (with the positive rate 0.05%). No AIDS and syphilis cases were detected. Suitable measures were taken for the these cases to meet the goal of surveillance. |
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