Detection of Anti-BB Antibodies in Human Sera by VIDAS System
收稿日期:1993-10-06  出版日期:2021-05-29
中文关键词: 莱姆病(Lyme病)  抗BB抗体  VIDAS系统  IFA
英文关键词: Lyme disease  Anti-BB antibodies  VIDAS System  IFA
关淑珍 海军总医院检验科 100037 北京市海淀区 
尹国才 海军总医院检验科 100037 北京市海淀区 
韩善桥 海军总医院检验科 100037 北京市海淀区 
化冰 海军总医院检验科 100037 北京市海淀区 
刘群英 海军总医院检验科 100037 北京市海淀区 
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      莱姆病(Lyme disease)是最近十年来才被认识的一种蜱媒传染性流行病。Lyme病的血清学诊断方法有间接荧光免疫法(IFA),酶免疫试验(EIA),免疫印迹法(WB)。梅里埃生物公司(Biomerieux)推出VIDAS免疫诊断系统能够自动定性和半定量地检查Lyme病的抗伯氏包柔螺旋体抗体(抗BB抗体)。本法结合了酶和荧光免疫两种方法。硷性磷酸酶标记二抗的底物是4methylumbellifery phosphate,底物在碱性磷酸酶的催化下转变成4-methylumbelliferon,该产物在365nm光激发下可发出455nm的荧光,光强度被VIDAS中的光扫描器测定出来。我们用VIDAS检测了体检标本83例,阳性8份(9.6%);检测临床为结核病的标本20份,无一例阳性;临床诊断为结节病或可疑结节病标本46份,阳性4份(8.7%);各种眼科疾病57份,阳性13份(22.8%);口唇疾病15份,阳性4份(26.7%);其他标本17份,阳性2份(11.8%);检测了军事医学科学院(军科院)微生物流行病研究所采自新疆、黑龙江省可疑Lyme病病人的标本16份,检出阳性12份(75.0%)。
      Lyme disease is an infectious disease just known in the latest decade. The sera of people from various origins were detected for Anti-BB antibodies (IgM+IgG) by VIDAS system. The results are as follows:Of 83 sera from the health-cared people, 8 were positive (9.6%); of 20 sera from the patients clinical diagnosised as tuberculosis, none was positive; of 46 sera from the patients clinical diagnosised or suspected as node diseasas, 4 were positive (8.7%); of 57 sera from the patients with various ophthalmologic diseases, 13 were positive (22.8%); of 15 sera from the patients with stomatologic diseases, 4 were positive (26.7%); of 17 sera from the patients with various diseases including dermomyositis, liver and spleen swelling, undefinited febrile diseases; lung cancer, lung shadow, etc.), 2 were positive (11.8%); of 16 sera from the people highly suspected with lyme disease living in the epidemic areas of Xin Jiang and Hei Long Jiang provinces, 12 were positive (75%).
The same 165 sera samples were detected at the same time by VIDAS System and IFA, 24 were positive by VIDAS System (14.5%), and 131 positive by IFA (79%), the accordance rate was only 32.7%.
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