Apptication of Catalytic Model in Sero-epidemiology of Schistosomiasis
收稿日期:1994-09-11  出版日期:2021-05-24
中文关键词: 催化模型  日本血吸虫病  血清流行病学
英文关键词: Catalytic model  Schistosomiasis  Seroepidemiology
吴志良 浙江医科大学寄生虫免疫研究室 310006 杭州市 
张悟澄 浙江医科大学寄生虫免疫研究室 310006 杭州市 
谈光庭 湖南省湘阴县血防办公室 
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全文下载次数: 557
      The seroepidemiological data from two schistosomiasis japonica areas with different transmission levels was analysed using a Catalytic Model. The agespecific distribution of IgG antibody in the population of the two investigated settings was analysed with simple catalytic model, the curve equations are YA=0.876 (1-e-0.048t) and YB=5.71 (1-e-0.003t) respectively in the heavy-and mild -endemic areas. The age-specific distribution of IgM antibody was analysed with two-stage catalytic model, using a curve equations YA=2.13 (e-0.032t-e-0.047t) and YB=0.19 (e-0.012t-e-0.075t) respectively in both heavy-and mild-endemic areas. Based on the result of stool examination concurrently carried out with sera detection and the endemic situation in recent years, the results mentioned above were eligible for the analysis of seroepidemiological data on schistosomiasis to reveal the endemic situation, tendency and the characteristic of age-specific distribution, and in particular using a two-stage catalytic model to analyse IgM antibody. It could also be used for studies on endemic factors, evaluation on the efficiency of control programmes and for surveillance of endemicy.
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