Relationship between Helicobacter Pylori Infection Other Factors and Diffuse-and Intestinal Type Stomach Carcinomas
收稿日期:1994-09-11  出版日期:2021-05-24
中文关键词: 幽门螺杆菌感染  对比研究  胃癌
英文关键词: Helicobacter pylori infection  Comparative study  Gastric carcinoma
李东光 大连医科大学 116023 
高晓虹 大连医科大学 116023 
关宏伟 大连医科大学附属医院 
张翠莉 大连医科大学 116023 
王珍 大连医科大学 116023 
邢玮 大连医科大学附属医院 
杜长春 大连医科大学附属医院 
臧玉华 大连医科大学附属医院 
吴蓉 大连医科大学附属医院 
摘要点击次数: 1942
全文下载次数: 600
      To investigate the role of Helicobacter Pylori (HP) infection and other factors in the development of stomach carcinoma, a matched case-control study was Conducted in Dalian, China. A total number of 95 paired cases and controls were involved in the study. The cases were divided into two histological types:diffuse- and intestinal-type. IgG antibody of HP in the subjects was tested with ELISA method. The results revealed that the prevalences of HP infection in cases and in controls were 77.5% and 50.0%, respectively,and that the matched OR was 5.0 (2.08-12.01). The stratified analysis showed that the risk effect of HP in intestinal-type was more significant (OR=5.75, 1.99-16.63) than it in deffuse-type(OR=3.5,0.73-16.89). Cancer history within family and blood group A were associated with diffuse-type while the environmental factors such as low economic status, irregular eating and fast-eating habits were mainly associated with intestinal-type. We conclude from our findings that HP infection may play a role in the development of stomach cancer, especially for intestinal-type gastric cancer. The two Lauren's histological types of stomach cancer might be different in terms of pathogenesis and characteristics.
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