刘爱民,徐苓,赵熙和,陈孝曙,Steven R Cummings.北京市髋部骨折发生率流行病学研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,1996,17(1):6-9
Rates of Hip Fractures in Beijing China
收稿日期:1995-08-25  出版日期:2021-05-12
中文关键词: 髋部骨折  发生率
英文关键词: Hip fractures  Rates
刘爱民 北京协和医院WHO疾病分类合作中心 100730 
徐苓 北京协和医院妇产科 
赵熙和 中国预防医学科学院营养与食品卫生研究所 
陈孝曙 中国预防医学科学院营养与食品卫生研究所 
Steven R Cummings 美国旧金山加州大学流行病和生物统计系 
摘要点击次数: 2330
全文下载次数: 673
      One-third of the world's hip fractures are said to occur in Asia, but there have been no validated studies of hip fracture rates in China. In 1988-1992 all 76 hospitals in Beijing reported 820 hip fracture admissions coded as ICD-9. Checking against original discharge logs, medical records. X-ray reports, operation notes and operating room logs of a random sample of Beijing hospitals to discover underestimated and misclassified cases. In order to estimate hip fracture treated outside hospitals, we also interviewed a random sample of 2113 women aged 50 and over with a 97% response rate in Beijing. Finally, we also surveyed 27 hospitals in tile suburbs of Beijing, but have found that no Beijing residents had been treated for hip fracture outside the city. Based on the 1990 China census, age-standardized rates (per 100000)of hip fracture in Beijing were 88 for women, 97 for men. From 1988 to 1992, the rates in Baijing increased 35% in women and 33% in men. This is the first validated population-based study on the rates of hip fractures in China that has confirmed the completeness and accuracy of reports of hip fracture cases and has estimated the degree of under-reporting of hospital discharge. Hip fracture rates in Beijing are among the lowest in the world but may rise rapidly.
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