An Epidemiological Analysis on the Relationship between Motorization and Traffic Mortality in China
收稿日期:1995-05-15  出版日期:2021-05-12
中文关键词: 交通事故  死亡率  流行病学
英文关键词: Road accident  Motorization  Epidemiology
池桂波 暨南大学医学院流行病学教研室 广州 510632 
王声湧 暨南大学医学院流行病学教研室 广州 510632 
胡毅玲 暨南大学医学院流行病学教研室 广州 510632 
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      In order to explore the road accident which brings about a threat aganist residents' life. We applied motorized extent of city (MEC, the rate per 1000 persons possessing the number of vehicles), level of traffic safety (LTS, the mortality rate per 10000 registered vehicles), level of personal safety (LPS, the mortality rate per 100000 persons) to evaluate the relationship between secular trend of motorization and traffic mortality in China. Although increased by 100 times from 1949 to 1992, MEC was considered rather low in the whole country (MEC=11.2‰). When MEC was progressing while LPS was decreasing year after year, LTS has been improved since the late 1970s. The best records of MEC and LTS were noticed in Beijing and the best LPS was in Inner Mongolia. Throughout the 30 administrative areas, LPS has taken a favourable turn, while MEC and LTS abtained distinct improvement in certain areas. Thus one's personal safety is affected by both the synergism of motorization and the road safety level.
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