Epidemiological Survey in A High Background Radiation Area in Yangjiang, China
收稿日期:1996-08-22  出版日期:2021-05-15
中文关键词: 高本底辐射  恶性肿瘤  遗传性疾病与先天性畸形  染色体畸变  免疫功能
英文关键词: High background radiation  Malignant carcinoma  Chromosome aberration  Immune function
查永如 广东省放射卫生防护所 广州 510260 
陶祖范 卫生部工业卫生实验所 
魏履新 卫生部工业卫生实验所 
摘要点击次数: 2518
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      笔者综合报道了1972~1990年广东阳江天然放射性高本底地区(HBRA)放射流行病学调查主要结果。用多种测试仪器测定了环境γ辐射,说明HBRA居民所受外照射年平均照射量率为330mR,全身内外照射年有效剂量当量为6.4mSv,对照地区(CA)相应为114mR和2.4mSv。对本底辐射以外环境的和宿主的可能致癌与致突变因素的研究表明:两地区基本符合"齐同对比"原则,两人群是可比的。根据对HBRA17年累积1 008 769人年和CA 995 070人年的癌症死亡率调查,HBRA 13 425名和CA 13 087名儿童遗传性疾病和先天性畸形的检查,以及外周血淋巴细胞染色体分析和免疫功能测定结果,未观察到HBRA电离辐射对居民健康有不良影响。笔者对HBRA癌症死亡率低于CA,以及染色体畸变分析和免疫功能检测所发现的变化进行了讨论,对小剂量电离辐射致癌危险概率作了估计。
      The results of the health survey in a high background radiation area (HBRA) from 1972 to 1990, in Yangjiang, China, are presented in this paper. Radiological measurements of the environmental and human bodies with different methods revealed that 330 mR/a in HBRA and 114 mR/a in the control area (CA) were the doses that annualty an individual exposure to the external environmental gamma radiation and effective doses to whole body are 6.4mSv in HBRA and 2.4 mSv in CA annually. The carcinogenic and mutagenie factors were surveyed. The Results showed that these factors in the two areas were similar. Up till now, no harmful impact induced by natural radiation, based on the data as:cancer mortality from 1008769 person years in HBRA and 995070 person-years in CA;hereditary diseases and congenial malformations from 13425 subjects in HBRA and 13087 subjects in CA; human chromosome aberrations, and immune function of the inhabitants, was found.
In addition, in this paper the authors discussed the results of cancer mortality, of chromosome aberrations and of immune function, and analyzed the possible relationship among them. The carcinogenic risk induced by low dose radiation was also estimated and discussed.
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