Study on the Distribution HIV-1 C Subtype in Ruili and other Counties, Yunnan, China
收稿日期:1996-09-29  出版日期:2021-05-15
中文关键词: HIV-1  C亚型  IDU
英文关键词: HIV-1  Subtype C  IDU
李大勤 中国预防医学科学院艾滋病监测中心 北京 100050 
郑锡文 中国预防医学科学院艾滋病监测中心 北京 100050 
张桂云 中国预防医学科学院艾滋病监测中心 北京 100050 
田春桥 中国预防医学科学院艾滋病监测中心 北京 100050 
曲书泉 中国预防医学科学院艾滋病监测中心 北京 100050 
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      1994年中国预防医学科学院艾滋病监测中心与美国CDC合作,首次发现在中国云南省存在HIV-1 C亚型病毒的流行,为了解该省C亚型流行的地理分布及流行时间,取"八五"国家科技攻关项目采集的静脉吸毒者HIV-1抗体阳性血清共192份,用特异肽ELISA进行测定,结果表明1992年C亚型在瑞丽开始出现5.1%;1993年C型在瑞丽达12.9%,陇川达30.4%;1994年C亚型在瑞丽达31.9%,陇川达33.3%。吸毒者中C型流行正逐年上升,C亚型是否可能成为该地区主要的流行亚型有待继续观察。
      Cooperating with CDC, USA, the Center for AIDS Surveillance, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, first identified the epidemic of HIV-1 C subtype virus in China in 1994. As part of the Eighth-Five National Scientific Program and to get information about the geographical distribution of C subtype of HIV-1 and its epidemic time span in Yunnan, using specific peptide ELISA, we tested 192 anti HIV-1 positive serums,among intravenous drug users. The results indicated that C subtype of HIV-1 started to appear in Ruili (5.1%)in 1992,and the rates were 12.9% in Ruili and 30.4% in Longchuan in 1993,up to 31.9% in Ruili and 33.3% in Longchuan in 1994. The porpotion of C subtype is increasing among the drug users by year. Whether C subtype would become the main the main epidemic subtype in this areas remains to be under observation.
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