Fraction Analysis of the Involvement of Multiple Risk Factors in the Etiology of Lung Cancer: Risk Factor Interactions in a Case-control Study for Lung Cancer in Females
收稿日期:1997-07-17  出版日期:2021-06-09
中文关键词: 病因分值  女性肺癌  被动吸烟  交互作用
英文关键词: Etiologic fraction  Female lung cancer  Passive smoking  Interaction
戴文灿 广东省珠海市卫生局 519000 
王声涌 暨南大学医学院 
胡毅玲 广州市越秀区人民医院 
陈英 暨南大学医学院 
吴一龙 中山医科大学肿瘤医院 
摘要点击次数: 2707
全文下载次数: 673
      A 1:1 matched case-control study of etiologic fraction (EF) of female lung cancer was conducted in Guangdong Province. 200 female cases with primary lung cancer were selected and 200female controls matched by age, area of residence and education from five hospitals. Multiple conditional logistic regression analysis turned out that passive smoking from spouse, bad ventilation in kitchen, liking for pickles or salted fish, history of chronic bronchitis, family history of tumour, pulmonary tuberculosis,taking oral contraceptive were the independent risk factors of female lung cancer (OR=2.16-40.55, P< 0.05). EF of the independent risk factors were 0.535, 0.432,0.252,0.124, 0.115, 0.072, 0.069respectively. The interactions between passive smoking from spouse and risk factors which included taking oral contraceptive, family history of tumour, bad ventilation in kitchen, history of pulmonary tuberculosis, liking for pickles or salted fish were analyzed. The result revealed that EF(AxB) (aetiologic fraction attributable to interaction) were 0.848, 0.499,0.479, 0.416,0.346 respectively. The interaction index were 0.906,0.543,0.578, 0.427, 0.440. These findings indicate passive smoking from spouse, particularly those had a history of taking oral contraceptive, increases the risk of female lung cancer.
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