An Epidemiology Study on Common Diseases Among the Elderly in Beijing
收稿日期:1998-01-15  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 老年人  流行病学
英文关键词: Elderly  Epidemiology
高芳坤 卫生部老年医学研究所, 北京 100730 
于普林 卫生部老年医学研究所, 北京 100730 
郑宏 卫生部老年医学研究所, 北京 100730 
杨泽 卫生部老年医学研究所, 北京 100730 
谷明明 卫生部老年医学研究所, 北京 100730 
张培兰 卫生部老年医学研究所, 北京 100730 
洪衣舒 卫生部北京医院 
苏鸿学 卫生部北京医院 
黄魏宁 卫生部北京医院 
胡建华 卫生部北京医院 
李增金 卫生部北京医院 
刘桂芳 卫生部北京医院 
姜中央 卫生部北京医院 
余存泰 卫生部北京医院 
左涛 卫生部北京医院 
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      为了解影响老年人生存质量的几种常见老年病的现状和分布特点,用随机、整群抽样的方法对北京城乡1 434例60岁及以上老年人进行问卷调查和体检。结果表明:在老年人中前列腺增生、老年聋、白内障、骨关节病、骨折、便秘患病率城市分别为61.4%、53.9%、46.4%、24.4%、14.2%、18.2%,乡村患病率分别为65.7%、64.7%、44.4%、14.9%、9.1%、23.0%。城市老年人骨关节病(P<0.01)、骨折(P<0.05)患病率高于乡村,乡村老年聋(P<0.01)、便秘(P<0.05)患病率高于城市;老年人上述几种常见病的既往诊断率均低于现患率(P均<0.01),且农村低于城市(P<0.01)。因此应加强老年人特别是农村老年人常见病的防治工作。
      In order to study the status and characteristics of some common diseases of elderly which seriously influence the Quality of Life of the elderly,1434 elderly over 60 years old in the urban and rural areas of Beijing were investigated with a randoml sampling method.The results showed that prostate hyperplasia,deafness,cataract,osteoarthropathy,bone fracture and constipation among the elderly were 61.4%,53.9%,46.4%,24.4%,14.2% and 18.2% in the urban areas,and 65.7%,64.7%,44.4%,14.9%,9.1% and 23.0% in the rural areas respectively.The prevalence rates of osteoarthropathy (P<0.01) and bone fracture (P<0.01) were higher in the urban areas than in the rural areas (P<0.01).In contrast,the prevalence rates of deafness (P<0.01) and constipation (P<0.05) of the elderly were higher in the rural than those in the urban.The prevalence rates of above diseases were lower when selfreporting than that by the medical examination,and also lower in the rural than in the urban (P<0.01).Hence,the prevention and treatment of the common diseases of elderly should be strengthened,especially in the rural areas.
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