Epidemiologic and Experimental Studies on Epidemic Haemorrhagic Fever Virus in Pigs
收稿日期:1997-12-09  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 流行性出血热病毒  流行病学  家畜
英文关键词: Epidemic haemorrhagic fever virus (EHFV)  Epidemiology  Livestock
杨占清 济南军区军事医学研究所 济南 250014 
刘运喜 济南军区军事医学研究所 济南 250014 
彭佐林 济南军区军事医学研究所 济南 250014 
于晓敏 济南军区军事医学研究所 济南 250014 
乔正福 济南军区军事医学研究所 济南 250014 
吴钦永 济南军区军事医学研究所 济南 250014 
张云 南京军区军事医学研究所 
陶开华 南京军区军事医学研究所 
郭进清 解放军54871部队医院 
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      为了解猪在流行性出血热(EHF)疫区的流行病学意义, 探讨猪的感染与人群发病的关系, 采用病原学、血清学和PCR技术对猪感染EHF病毒(EHFV)进行流行病学调查与实验研究。结果:猪不仅存在自然感染。而对EHFV敏感, 随血液行播及多种脏器组织, 在体内增殖并随排泄物排出感染性病毒。作者认为猪具备作为EHF传染源的条件。
      In order to study the roles of pigs with epidemic haemorrhagie fever virus, epidemiologic and experimental studies were carried out in pigs. Aetiological, serological and polymerase chain reation (PCR) techniques were performed. Resultes showed that not only pigs could be infected with EHFV under natural or experimental conditions but susceptible to EHFV as well. Virus may disseminate to many organs of the animals through blood and cause transient pathologic changes. EHFV duplicates inside tbe animal bodies and be excreted to cause pollution of environment. It is possible that pigs serve as sources of EHF infection. Our research data aiso showed for the first time that EHFV were vertically transmitted through the placenta of pigs. There was no evidence showing that people raising pigs were symptomatically sick due to EHF infection.
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