Study of superinf ection of HBV and HCV
收稿日期:1998-11-10  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 乙型肝炎病毒  丙型肝炎病毒  丙型肝炎病毒抗体
英文关键词: HBV  HCV  A nti-HCV
陈宪锐 泰山医学院, 泰安 2710002 
玄梅香 山东省泰安市卫生防疫站 
吴多文 泰山医学院, 泰安 2710002 
尹燕明 泰山医学院, 泰安 2710002 
张玉江 泰山医学院, 泰安 2710002 
周玉霞 泰山医学院, 泰安 2710002 
魏佑农 山东新汶矿务局中心医院 
付春生 山东聊城地区人民医院 
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      Objectives T o understand the situation in hepatitis B pat ients coinciding w ith HCV and to ex plor e its influence on HCV on the replication of HBV . Methods U sing ELI SA, 712 hepatit is B patients w er e tested for serum anti-HCV and mar kers of HBV. Results Of the 712 patients, anti-HCV posit ive rate w as 14. 47% w ith the hig hest 48. 98% in patients wit h severe hepatitis and the lowest 3. 25% in patients w ith acute hepatitis. M arkedly different anti-HCV positiv e rates ( P <0. 001) in patients of different clinical stag es w ere discover ed. The more severe the case with long er the course, the higher the ant i-HCV positive rates. In patients w ith superinfection of HBV and HCV,serum HBsAg, HBeA g and anti-HBcIgM positive rates were lower than those in patients w ith hepatitisB ( P < 0. 001, P < 0. 001 and P < 0. 05) but the anti -HBe positive rates w er e higher . All the differ ences show ed an obvious statistical significance. Conclusion Hepatitis B coinciding w ith HCV infectio n is r esponsible for the deter ioration of the disease and towards its fo rmat ion of its chronic phase as w ell as for the inhibition of HBV replication.
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