Investigation on the prevalence and influencing factors to anemia in women at reproductive age
收稿日期:1998-09-28  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 育龄妇女  贫血  影响因素
英文关键词: omen of repr oductive age  Anemia  Influencing factor
王临虹 北京医科大学第一医院妇产科妇儿保健中心 100034 
赵更力 北京医科大学第一医院妇产科妇儿保健中心 100034 
陈丽君 北京医科大学第一医院妇产科妇儿保健中心 100034 
沈黎阳 北京医科大学第一医院妇产科妇儿保健中心 100034 
渠川琰 北京医科大学第一医院妇产科妇儿保健中心 100034 
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      Objective To investig ate the prevalence of anemia in w omen of reproductive age and to analyze the influencing factors in anemia. Methods A total number of 1 529 women ag ed 15-49 years old including w orkers, far mers, cadres and students were tested with Hb and FEP and investigated through questionnair eincluding related influencing factors. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS/ PC statistical software. Results Mean value of Hb was 116. 35 g/ L ( SD 14. 67g / L ) in 1529 cases and the prevalence rate of anemia was 31. 2% . Major ity o f the anemia identified belong ed to the iron deficiency type . Influencing factors on anemia included occupation, educat ion, marriag e status,menstruation, status of family expenses and physical exercise. Conclusion The prev alence rate of anemiain reproductive aged women was high, thus more attention should be paid. In or der to lower the incidence of anemia, prev entiveand interv enient measurements should be conducted accordingly.
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