Epidemiological study on the influence of pig -derived Ascaris to the transmission of human ascariasis
收稿日期:2000-10-25  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 猪蛔虫  似蚓蛔线虫  流行病学
英文关键词: Ascaris suum  Ascaris lumbricoides  Epidemiology
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目( 39260068)
彭卫东 江西医学院寄生虫学教研室, 南昌 330006
第一作者现工作单位:江西省医学科学研究所, 南昌 330006 
周宪民 江西医学院寄生虫学教研室, 南昌 330006
第一作者现工作单位:江西省医学科学研究所, 南昌 330006 
摘要点击次数: 4765
全文下载次数: 1303
      Objective? An experimental epidemiological study was designed to investigate possible relations of pig -derived Ascaris to the transmission of human ascariasis which might be caused by cross -infection between the pig and humans. Methods? In Xinjian County, Jiangxi province, two adjacent villages, Laozhi and Panzhi, with similar baseline of ascariasis in pig and human populations were selected as the study sites with a one -year longitudinal epidemiological follow -up study. People in the two villages received mass chemotherapy. Pigs received mass chemotherapy only in Panzhi village and was twice repeated with two months interval, while pigs in Laozhi village were not treated at all. In the followingyear after treatment on humans, ascariasis among villagers was studied cross -sectionally five times with Kato -katz technique. Results No significant difference of the re -infection patterns of human ascariasis was found between the two villages in terms of prevalence and intensity during the following year in all the five surveys (x2 < 0. 658, F< 1. 658 and P> 0. 1). Conclusion? The results suggested that pig -derived Ascaris were mainly transmitted among pigsbut had no important role on the transmission of human ascariasis. The results were in good accordance with the findings through a recent molecular genetic research on the local human -and pig -derived Ascaris worms. Possible confounding factors were discussed.
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