Clinic intervention study on urogenital mycoplasma infection of pregnant women
收稿日期:2000-12-17  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 孕妇  支原体感染  临床干预试验  异常围产结局
英文关键词: Pregnant woman  Mycoplasma infection  Clinic intervention trial  Adverse perinatal outcome
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (39670646)
叶元康 200065 上海, 同济大学附属同济医院性医学实验室 
涂少华 200065 上海, 同济大学附属同济医院性医学实验室 
李怀芳 200065 上海, 同济大学附属同济医院性医学实验室 
汪宁 东南大学公共卫生学院 
庄桂霞 上海国际妇幼保健院 
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      目的探索孕妇生殖道支原体感染与异常围产结局的病因学关系。方法经产前检查支原体阳性孕妇 488例 ,随机分成红霉素干预组和非干预组 ,比较两组间孕妇支原体感染阴转率、母婴传播率和异常围产结局的发生率。结果红霉素干预组解脲支原体 (Uu)的阴转率为 6 7.3% (12 8/190 ) ,明显高于非干预组的 2 5 .6 % (5 0 / 195 ) ,P 0 .0 5。非干预组Uu的母婴传播率为 46 .2 % (90 /195 ) ,干预组降至 2 5 .2 % (4 8/ 190 ) ,P 0 .0 5。结论 红霉素干预措施能有效地降低孕妇解脲支原体感染 ,阻断其母婴传播 ,降低与支原体感染有关的异常围产结局
      ObjectiveTo explore the hypothesis of pathogenic relationship between urogenital mycoplasma infection and adverse perinatal outcomes. Methods Four hundred and eighty eight mycoplasma positive pregnant women detected by culture method were randomly divided into erythromycine intervention group and non intervention group. Comparison was made on rate of reverse sero conversion, of vertical transmission to mycoplasma and adverse perinatal outcomes incidence between groups. Results Ureaplasma urealyticum sero conversion rate and rate of vertical transmission in intervention group were significantly lower than in non intervention group ( P 0.05 ). The incidences rates of preturm labor,post partum fever,puerperal infection and neonate pneumonia in intervention group were significantly lower than in non intervention group ( P 0.05 ). Conclusion Erythromycin is effective in control of ureaplasma urealyticum infection among pregnant women through cutting off vertical transmission passway and lowering adverse perinatal outcomes against ureaplasma urealyticum.
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