马彦,金涛,汪立源,杨廷忠,李鲁,张乐.肉联厂从业人员感染弓形虫的行为危险模式研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,2002,23(1):43-45 |
肉联厂从业人员感染弓形虫的行为危险模式研究 |
Study on the behavioral risk of toxoplasma infection in population working in the slaughterhouse |
收稿日期:2001-04-12 出版日期:2014-09-18 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 弓形虫 行为 危险因素 |
英文关键词: Toxoplasma Behavior Risk factor |
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摘要点击次数: 3577 |
全文下载次数: 1279 |
中文摘要: |
目的揭示肉联厂从业人员感染弓形虫的行为危险模式。方法在杭州市肉联厂采集从业人员标本,用酶联免疫吸附试验检测弓形虫循环抗原、IgG和IgM抗体;行为测量采用基于行为推理理论的问卷调查。以行为推理理论假设感染的行为危险模式。结构由一个测量行为变量关系的模型和一个反映行为变量彼此间关系的行为变量模型构成。用因子分析结合通径分析的方法对这一结构中的各参数进行估计。结果共完成302人的调查,回收率95.87%。弓形虫感染率19.20%,近期感染指标循环抗原阳性率15.89%,IgM抗体阳性率2.32%,既往感染指标IgG抗体阳性率5.63%,循环抗原与IgG、IgM抗体同时阳性的占1.32%,循环抗原与IgG抗体同时阳性的占2.65%,循环抗原与IgM抗体同时阳性的占1.99%。弓形虫感染与难产及接触生猪、体液、内脏有关,与流产无关。因子分析结果显示除了行为态度和行为后果评价外,其他行为的内在可信度较好(克劳巴赫系数大于0.7),这些测量项目能很好地解释行为变量。通径分析显示,两个结构均显著独立贡献于防护行为,防护行为与弓形虫感染的发生有关;行为因素与其他因素对弓形虫感染发生的贡献率约各占50.00%。行为信念在预测防护行为方面比主观规范更加重要。结论用行为推理理论基本上 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To explore the behavioral risk of toxoplasma infection in special population. Methods Serum samples from workers in slaughterhouse were collected and tested for the detection of cAg,toxo-IgG,toxo-IgM antibody to toxoplasma,using ELISA.Behavioral measurements were conducted through questionnaire,which was developed according to theory of reasoned action which consists of a measurement model that specifies the relation of measured to behavioral variables and a behavioral variable model to show the influence of behavior variables on each other. Factor analysis Methods were used for estimating the parameter of the former and path analyses method for the latter. Results With data from 302 research subjects, the responding rate was 95.87%. The overall infection rate was of 19.20% including 15.89% having cAg, 5.63% with toxo-IgG, 2.32% with toxo-IgM, 1.32% with the third of cAg, toxo-IgG and toxo-IgM, 2.65% with the both cAg and toxo-IgG, 1.99% with the both cAg and IgM respectively. There was significant association between toxoplasma infections and contact with dystocia or live pigs,body fluid or harslet. There was no relation between toxoplasma infections and abortion.Results from miscarriage factor analyses showed that except evaluation of behavioral outcomes and behavioral attitudes, internal consistence reliability of others behavioral variables was good (Cronbach's α0.7). These behavior variables could be explained by their measure items. Path analyses suggested that two components had provided significant independent contributions to those preventive behaviors which significantly correlated to toxoplama infections. Half of the contribution leading to toxoplasma infections had come from behavioral factors. Belief was relatively more important in predicting the preventive behavior than subjective norm. Conclusion Our findings supported the application of reasoned action theory in understanding the role of behavioral factors in toxoplasma infection. |
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