Value of BCL-2 and P53mt proteins in screening skin carcinoma caused by arseniasis
收稿日期:2001-08-23  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 蛋白质P53  蛋白质BCL2    中毒  皮肤肿瘤
英文关键词: Protein P53  Protein BCL-2  Arsenic  Poisoning  Skin neoplasms
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目( 39660070)
胡昌军 贵阳医学院预防医学系 550004 
张爱华 贵阳医学院预防医学系 550004 
黄晓欣 解放军第四十四医院院长办公室 
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      目的 探讨BCL-2及P53mt蛋白筛检砷中毒致皮肤癌的价值. 方法 BCL-2及P53mt蛋白的检测用免疫组化染色法 ;两指标阳性率的分析用χ2检验;分析评价筛检价值的有关指标. 结果 无论是P53mt还是BCL-2, 癌变组的阳性率均高于非癌变组, 差异均有统计学意义 (P53mt, P<0. 01;BCL-2, P<0. 05), 其OR值分别为14. 22(2. 93~68. 97)和8. 76(1. 07~71. 51). P53mt的约登指数为0. 529, 明显高于BCL-2的0. 284. 串联试验可提高筛检价值, 并联试验则降低了筛检价值. 结论 P53mt与BCL-2均可用于筛检砷中毒所致皮肤癌, 将两指标串联可提高筛检价值.
      Objective To discuss the value of P53mt and BCL 2 proteins in screening skin carcinoma due to arseniasis. Methods P53mt and BCL 2 proteins were detected by immunohistochemical staining. χ 2 test was used to analyze the difference of positive rate between two groups. Screening value of the two biomarkers was also evaluated through the analysis of relative indexes. Results Positive percentages of P53mt and BCL 2 in carcinoma group were 88. 89 % and 94. 44 % respectively, both were higher than those of 36. 0 % and 66. 0 % in non carcinoma group (for P53mt, P 0. 01 ; for BCL 2, P 0. 05 ). ORs of P53mt and BCL 2 were 14. 22(2. 93 68. 97)and 8. 76(1. 07 71. 51 ), respectively. Youden's Index and specificity of P53mt were 0. 529 and 64. 0 %, which were much higher than those of BCL 2. Serial tests improved the value of screening with Youden's Index 0. 569, but parallel test lowered it to 0. 244. Conclusions P53mt and BCL 2 were practical biomarkers to screen skin carcinoma due to arseniasis, and the former was better than the latter. The value of screening can be improved by a series of tests.
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