Analysis on the aetiology of influenza in children in Tianjin
收稿日期:2002-08-27  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 流感病毒  血凝试验  血凝抑制试验
英文关键词: Influenza virus  Hemag glutination test  Hemagg lutination inhibition test
郭小华 天津市卫生防病中心微生物部, 天津 300011 
段卫平 天津市卫生防病中心微生物部, 天津 300011 
王世荣 天津市第三中心医院, 天津 300011 
张华 天津儿童医院, 天津 300011 
李颖 天津医科大学, 天津 300011 
陈锦英 天津医科大学, 天津 300011 
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      目的: 对天津市2001~2002年流行性感冒(流感)患儿进行病原学分析。方法:用狗肾传代(MDCK)细胞和鸡胚双腔法进行流感病毒分离。用鸡红细胞和人O型红细胞凝集试验证实病毒的存在, 用红细胞凝集抑制试验进行型和亚型的鉴定。结果: 2001年10月至2002年3月共采集14岁以下流感样患儿咽拭子标本238份, 分离出64株流感病毒, 检出率为26.9%; 其中A(H3N2 )亚型42株, 占检出数的65.6%; A(H1N1)亚型13株, 占20.3 %; B型9株, 占14.1%。所分离的 64株流感病毒都具有适应于MDCK细胞株生长及与人O型红细胞凝集良好的生物学特性。 转种鸡胚后, 绝大多数(6264株)能适应鸡胚生长; 但64份阳性咽拭子标本液直接接种鸡胚, 仅有 3份血凝阳性。此外, 96.4%(5355株)A型流感病毒均可由O相转为D相, 有2株A(H3N2)为O相特征。 B型流感病毒均为D相特征。结论: 天津地区流感病毒存在A(H3N2)、A(H1A1)和B三个型, 以A(H3N2)为优势流行型。
      Objective: To analyse the pathogen of child patients with influenza in Tianjin aera. OMethods:The influenza virus isolation was performed by MDCK cells and embryonated eggs. The identification of the isolates was carried out with hemag glutination (HA)and hemag glutination inhibition (HI)tests. Results: Two hundred and thirty-eight throat swab specimens from children with influenz-like illness were collected in Tianjin aera from Oct. 2001 to Mar.2002 and 64 strains (26.9 %)of influenza viruse were isolated. Data showed that there were 42 strains (65.6%) of A(H3N2) subty pe, 13 strains(20.3%)of A(H1N1)subty pe and 9 strains (14.1%) of B type in these positive isolates. All the isolated viruses grew very well in MDCK cells and hemagglutinated with human “O” red blood cells, and most (6264 strains)of them were able to multiply in embryonated chick eggs. However, there were only 3 isolates with HA positive in inoculating embryonated eggs with the specimens. Meanwhile, it was revealed that out of 55 strains of A type viruses, 53 strians (96.4 %)were from O to D phase, 2 strain of A(H3N2)were D phase characters and all B type isolated viruses being D phase properties. Conclusion:There were three endemic types of influenza viruses-A(H3N2), A(H1N1)and B type in Tianjin aera, with A, the main type.
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