Hemorrhagic fever of renal syndrome research route of transmission
收稿日期:2002-10-21  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 黑线姬鼠  征出血热  传播途径  流行性出血热病毒  小盾纤恙螨  肾综合  垂直传播  经卵传递  气溶胶  抗原
英文关键词: The black kyi rat  Levy haemorrhagic fever  Route of transmission  Epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus  The small shield fiber chigger  Renal comprehensive  Vertical transmissionThe eggs pass  aerosol  antigen
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (39970 6 53;394 2 0 6 31);全军“七五”、“八五”、“九五”指令性课题
张云 南京军区军事医学研究所 210002 
吴光华 南京军区军事医学研究所 210002 
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      肾综合征出血热(hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrone,HFRS)在我国分布于29个省(区、市),近年每年发病约5万人,平均病死率约在2%,严重危害人民健康.长时期内,由于病原体未定,对传播途径的认识,主要来自人体实验和流行病学分析结果.自1978年韩国李镐汪报告建立了特异性的检测方法并分离到汉坦病毒(Hantavirus,HV)后,有了判断结果的科学指标,寻找出一些敏感动物,为传播途径的研究提供了有效手段.目前认为可能的传播途径有3类5种,即:动物源性传播(包括通过伤口、呼吸道和消化道三种途径传播)、螨媒传播和垂直传播.国内外有关单位多就个别途径进行一些研究,因缺少对多途径的综合研究,难以对各种途径的传播作用作出评价.我们自1980年以来,对5种途径紧密结合实际,以HV为指标,对感染和传播的全过程所需明确的实际问题,如:HV在动物体内的定位、排出途径、在外环境中存活的条件和时间,通过不同途径实现感染的难易、方式和剂量,人群发生流行时可能的感染途径等,进行了较系统的实验研究和一些现场流行病学调查,以期探明各种途径的传播作用,为预防工作提供依据.
      Hemorrhagic fever of renal syndrome (hemorrhagic fever with takes syndrone, HFRS) in our country in 29 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), the incidence of about 50000 people a year in recent years, the average rate is about 2%, serious harm people's health. For a long period of time, due to pathogens and knowledge of transmission, experimental and epidemiological analysis results mainly from the human body. Han Guoli picks wang report since 1978, established the specificity of the detection methods and separation to the Hantavirus (Hantavirus, HV), after the judgment results of scientific index, find out some sensitive animals, provides effective means for the research of transmission way. At present there are three kinds of thought possible route of transmission of 5, namely: the spread of animal origin (including spread in three ways: the wound, respiratory and digestive tract), mite dispersal and vertical transmission. The relevant units at home and abroad to carry out some research is more individual way, due to the lack of the comprehensive study of many ways, it is difficult to effect on the spread of a variety of ways. Since 1980, we closely combined with the actual, ways of 5 kinds of indexes for HV, spread of infection and the whole process of the specific practical problems, such as: HV in animal body positioning, discharge way, outside environment condition and the time of survival, and infection easily through different ways, methods and dose, population occurs when the popularity of possible infection and so on, has carried on the experimental study and some field epidemiological investigation, in the hope of proven ways to spread effect, provide the basis for prevention.
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