Study on the immuno-effects of recombinant hepatitis B vaccination in adults
收稿日期:2002-06-13  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 疫苗  肝炎  乙型  免疫效果
英文关键词: Vaccines  Hepatitis B  Immune efficiency
张凤梅 山东省日照市卫生防疫站 276800 
赵庆信 山东省日照市卫生防疫站 276800 
汉京华 山东省日照市卫生防疫站 276800 
周泉合 山东省日照市卫生防疫站 276800 
王茂慈 山东省日照市卫生防疫站 276800 
苗伟 山东省日照市卫生防疫站 276800 
李若 山东省日照市卫生防疫站 276800 
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      目的 比较两种重组乙型肝炎 (乙肝 )疫苗的免疫效果。方法 对 130 4名 18~ 5 0岁年龄组人群的血清样品用放射免疫试验 (RIA)检测HBsAg、抗 HBs、抗 HBc,该 3项指标均为阴性者注射重组乙肝疫苗。在注射疫苗后 1年和 3年时检测血清抗 HBs滴度,以观察不同年龄、不同性别的成人接种重组乙肝疫苗的免疫效果。结果 成人接种重组乙肝疫苗后均能获得良好的免疫效果,接种 5 μg重组 (酵母 )乙肝疫苗 1年和 3年后,抗 HBs阳性率分别为 82.76 %、70.77%,抗体滴度分别为5 5.91mIU ml、35.4 1mIU ml;接种 10 μg重组 (CHO)疫苗 1年和 3年后,抗 HBs阳性率分别为83.74 %、72.2 2 %,抗体滴度分别为 5 6.89mIU ml、30.2 9mIU ml。 5 μg重组 (酵母 )和 10 μg重组(CHO)乙肝疫苗免疫效果基本相同。两种疫苗抗 HBs阳性率和滴度随着免疫时间的延长而降低。结论 18~ 5 0岁年龄组人群接种重组 (酵母 )和重组 (CHO)乙肝疫苗均可获得良好的免疫效果。
      To evaluate the immuno-effects of hepatitis B(HB)vaccination in adults.Methods Five groups w ere sampled by means of cluster sampling, and serum HBsAg,anti-HBs and antiHBc were tested in every group at people aged from 18 to 50.Recombinant HB vaccine was injected to the ones that HBsAg,anti-HBs and anti-HBc were all negative.Concentration of anti-HBs in serum was tested after one year and three years of vaccination.Immuno-effects of recombinant HB vaccination in adults at different ages and betw een sexes,were then calculated.Results Good immuno-effects of recombinant HB vaccination in adults w ere noticed.After one year and three years of vaccination with 5 μg recombinant HB vaccine, the anti-HBs positive rates were 82.76%, 70.77%while the serum concertrations of anti-HBs were 55.91 mIU ml and 35.41 mIU ml respectively.When 10 μg w as used,the concertrations were83.74 %, 72.22 %, 56.89 mIU ml and 30.29 mIU ml respectively.The effects did not show significant differences between different doses on 10 μg and of 5 μg.Concentration of anti-HBs reduced when time went by.The factors such as age and sex influenced the effects of immunity on recombinant HB vaccination.Conclusion Good immunity could be obtained when recombinant hepatitis B was vaccinated in vulnerable population aged 18 to 50
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