Factors influencing the diagnose on causes of dyspepsia in central area of Shaanxi province
收稿日期:2002-11-15  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 消化不良  流行病学  诊断,病因
英文关键词: Dyspepsia  Epidemiology  Diagnosis,etiology
王星 西安交通大学第二医院消化科 710004 
张宽学 西安交通大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室 
罗金燕 西安交通大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室 
门伯媛 西安交通大学第二医院皮肤科 710004 
周艳 陕西省人民医院消化内科 西安 710068 
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      目的 了解陕西省关中地区省、市、县三级医院中消化不良的临床病因构成,探讨西方国家“症状 治疗”方案是否具有安全性。方法 采用分层整群抽样方法,对各级医院就诊的 3019例消化不良患者进行问卷调查并随访,随后按国际通用的诊断标准做出诊断。结果 44.8%的患者为功能性消化不良 (FD),44.7%患各种良性器质性疾病,而剩余 10.5 %患恶性肿瘤。当患者伴有明显“报警”症状时,良性器质性疾病和恶性肿瘤分别升至 52.1%和 29.2 %,显著高于无“报警”症状的患者(39.2 %、2.9% ) (P<0.01),在 25岁以下的患者中,64.5 %患FD,随年龄增加,FD的比例逐渐降低。而恶性肿瘤则相反,35岁以下患者中极少发现,而在 35~ 44岁患者中明显增多,在 65~74岁患者中高达 30.8%。结论 该地区的病因构成与西方国家存在一定差异,“症状 治疗”方案不尽合适。
      Objective To investigate the proportions of functional dyspepsia (FD)and structural diseases within the dy speptic outpatients in hospitals of different ranking in central area Shaanxi province,and to explore the safety in adopting “ symptom and treatment”algorithm used in Western countries.Methods A clinical epidemiology survey was carried out by means of a stratified sample of 3019 dyspeptic outpatients through standardized questio nnaire.All of the patients were followed for 4-24 weeks,and finally received their diag noses through a consistent criteria.Results Proportionally,FD in all the outpatients took up 44.8% with 44.7% benign organic causes and 10.5% malignant diseases.In the patients who had marked alarm symptoms,the proportion of benign and malignant diseases rose to 52.1 %and 29.2 %,respectively.They were significantly higher than those without alarm sympto ms (39.2%,2.9%)(P<0.01).All of the dyspeptic patients were divided into 7 groups according to different ages.64.5% of FD patients were younger than 25 years and the rate of FD declined with age.It was found that only four patients below 35 years old had malig nance.The number of cases increased significantly in age 35-45 group and reached 30.8% in 65-74 group.Conclusion There were some differences noticed within dyspeptic patterns between local area in China and Western countries,and the“ symptom and treatment”approach w as not entirely suitable to the local area in China
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