A case-control study on risk factors for nosocomial infection of epilepsy in hospitalized children
收稿日期:2002-12-21  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 癫痫  医院获得性感染  危险因素  病例对照研究
英文关键词: Epilepsy  Nosocomial infection  Risk factor  Case-control study
许能锋 福建医科大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 福州 350004 
杨柳青 福建医科大学附属第一医院儿科 
黄永权 福建医科大学 
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      目的 探讨癫痫患儿医院感染发生率及其危险因素。方法 选择福州市某医院 1996~2 0 0 0年 2 92例癫痫患儿为研究对象,以其中医院感染者为病例组,非医院感染者为对照组进行病例对照研究。结果 癫痫患儿医院感染率为 39.0 %。单因素 χ2 分析发现,年龄 <3岁、住院时间 >14天、智力低下、不合理使用抗生素、鼻饲、其他介入性诊疗、活动受限或瘫痪、尿素氮超过正常值等是癫痫患儿医院感染的关联因素 ;非条件logistic多元回归分析筛选出住院时间 >14天、不合理使用抗生素、鼻饲、智力低下是癫痫患儿医院感染的主要危险因素 ;趋势 χ2 分析显示,住院时间越长、抗生素使用种类越多、鼻饲时间越长者发生医院感染的风险就越大。结论 癫痫是儿科病房医院感染的好发疾病,癫痫患儿应作为医院感染管理监测的主要对象。合理使用抗生素、缩短住院时间、缩短鼻饲置管时间将有利于预防和控制癫痫患儿发生医院感染。
      Objective To determine the incidence and risk factors for nosocomial infection in child epilepsy. Methods A retrospective study was conducted among all (292 cases) hospitalized children epilepsy patients in First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University from 1996 to 2000 in Fuzhou city. With all patients with nosocomial infection as cases and all patients without nosocomial infection as controls, a case-control study on risk factors for nosocomial infection was carried out.Available data were analyzed by one-way Chi-square test and unconditional logistic multiple regression model. Results One hundred fourteen cases of nosocomial infection were identified among 292 cases with epilepsy with an incidence of 39.0 % (114/292). The one- way Chi- square test showed that nosocomial infection was significantly associated with age below 3 years ( OR = 2.55, P 0.01 ), length of hospitalization over 14 days ( OR = 4.75, P 0.01 ), low intelligence ( OR = 3.13, P 0.01 ), receiving antibiotic unreasonably ( OR = 3.51, P 0.01 ), using gastrogarage ( OR = 3.12, P 0.01 ), other invasive operation ( OR = 1.85, P 0.05 ) dyskinesia or palsy ( OR = 3.51, P 0.01 ), and urinary nitrogen beyond normal range ( OR = 5.00, P 0.05 ), etc.Unconditional logistic multiple regression analysis revealed that the length of hospitalization over 14 days ( OR = 4.30, OR 95% CI : 2.48- 7.46, P 0.01 ),taking antibiotic unreasonably ( OR = 2.74, OR 95% CI : 1.30- 5.77, P 0.01 ), using gastrogarage ( OR = 3.04, OR 95% CI : 1.28- 7.18, P 0.05 ), and low intelligence ( OR = 2.32, OR 95% CI : 1.34- 4.01, P 0.01 ) were independent risk factors for nosocomial infection.The trendency chi- square test showed that the longer stay in the hospital with more kinds of antibiotic used and more gastrogarage they used,the greater the risk of nosocomial infection was.Conclusion Data suggested that occurrence of the nosocomial infection of children epilepsy patients was correlated with the length of hospitalization over 14 days, unreasonable using antibiotic, using gastrogarage and low intelligence.
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