The study on the 0,12 month vaccination schedule' of Healive inactivated hepatitis A vaccine in children
收稿日期:2003-03-06  出版日期:2014-09-16
中文关键词: 甲型肝炎灭活疫苗  免疫原性  安全性  免疫程序
英文关键词: Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine  Immunogenicity  Safety  Immunization-schedule
任银海 河北省平山县卫生防疫站, 050400 
陈江婷 北京科兴生物制品有限公司 
吴文婷 河北省平山县卫生防疫站, 050400 
公雪杰 北京科兴生物制品有限公司 
张玉成 河北省平山县卫生防疫站, 050400 
薛伟华 河北省平山县卫生防疫站, 050400 
任一丰 河北省平山县卫生防疫站, 050400 
韩连军 河北省平山县卫生防疫站, 050400 
康文学 河北省平山县卫生防疫站, 050400 
李胜平 河北省平山县卫生防疫站, 050400 
刘崇柏 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所 
摘要点击次数: 3883
全文下载次数: 1227
      Objective To evaluate the safety, immunogenicity and fiTdosage of Healive inactivated hepatitis A vaccine( HAV)in children.Methods A total of 85 susceptible aged 4-10 years with HAV seronegative children, had been enrolled from two adjacenTvillages in a county.The volunteers were randomized allocated into two groups and toreceive a priming dose of 250 U 0. 5 ml dose or 500 U 1. 0 ml dose of Healive vaccine, produced by Sinovac Biotech Co, Ltd.A booster of the same dose was given aT12th month.Local and systemic side effects were examined and seroconversion rate as well as geometric mean titers of anti-HAvantibody were tested aT3-week, 12-month after the primary dose and aT1 month after the booster dose.Results The vaccine was well tolerated in both groups.AT21 days after the primary dose, the seroconversion rates were 94. 4%, 100. 0% and geometric mean titers( GMT)were 195 mIU ml and 370 mIU ml in 250 U and 500 U groups respectively. AT12 months after the primary dose, the seroconversion rate of anti-HAV was 100. 0%, and GMTraised to 361 mIU ml, 456 mIU ml ( P > 0. 05)respectively.One month after the booster dose, GMTraised to 14 893 mIU ml, 21 696 mIU ml. Conclusion GM Tof the 0, 12 month schedule was higher than other schedule after the booster vaccination.The HealiveR inactivated vaccine can be used for emergency vaccination.The HealiveR inactivated vaccine produced by Sinovac Company Ltd was safe and highly immunogenic. Two hundred and fifty U dose was considered appropriate for children.
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