A cross-sectional study on the usage condition of hypertension related examinations and antihypertensive drugs among 40 district and community based hospitals in Beijing
收稿日期:2003-05-16  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 高血压  基层医院  降压药物
英文关键词: Hy pertension  Community based ho spital  Antihy pertensive drug
基金项目:国家“十五”科技攻关课题资助项目 (2001BA703B02 )
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张广信 海淀区卫生局医管中心 
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      目的 了解北京市基层一、二级医院高血压诊断治疗相关辅助检查设备以及抗高血压药物的拥有和使用现状,评估基层医院开展高血压防治工作的能力。从医院硬件条件 (辅助检查设备、药物等 )的角度分析基层医院实施《中国高血压防治指南》(以下简称《指南》)的过程中可能存在的障碍和问题。方法 采用面访和问卷调查的方式,访问北京市部分基层医院主管业务的院长以及检验科、药房、影像科的相关业务主管,了解医院高血压相关辅助检查设备及用药情况。结果 (1)被调查的二级医院现有的设备条件基本能够满足《指南》提出的对高血压患者进行临床评估的要求 ;(2)6 4.5 %的一级医院具有开展高血压防治所需要的最基本的设备和检查项目,35.5 %的一级医院检查项目不全 (缺少血离子、尿蛋白、血浆肌酐浓度等检测 ) ;(3) 71.0 %的一级医院无法独立完成患者靶器官损害的评估工作 ;(4)一、二级医院抗高血压药物的种类比较齐全,可以满足患者治疗的需要。结论 只要相关实验室检查项目配备齐全,基层医院完全有能力按照《指南》的要求开展高血压的治疗和疗效监测工作,但一级医院需要和上级医院配合才能完成对高血压患者全面的临床评估。
      Objective To study the use of hy pertension related physical examinations, laboratory tests and anti-hy pertension drugs amo ng district and community based hospitals in Beijing and to analy ze the possible hardware (ex amination, test, drug) problems under the application of the “ China Hyper tension Guide” in those hospitals.Methods The survey was carried out in 40 hospitals in Chaoyang and Haidian districts, including 9 district level hospitals, and the rest at community level.Questionnaire survey and indepth interview were used to collect info rmatio n from the leaders of related departments in those hospitals. Results (1)The hardw are conditio n of district hospital sa tisfied the implicit requirements of hyper tension evaluation and treatment in “ China hypertension Guide”.(2)64.5% of the community level hospitals had the basic equipments and routine labo rato ry tests for diag nosis and treatment on hy pertensio n, but 35.5 % of them lack of tests on blood chemistry (potassium, sodium, creatinine)and urine pro tein.(3)71.0% of community level hospitals could no t judge the patient' s “ targe t org an damage” independently.(4)Bothdistrict and community level hospitals had all major types of antihypertension drugs in there pharmacy except ARB.Conclusion When necessary laborato ry tests fo r bo th district and community level hospitals were provided, they could accomplish the tasks of hypertension treatment and management.However, the community level hospitals should cooperate with hospitals at hig her level to hav e a comprehensive clinicalunderstanding of patients w ith high blood pressure.
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