A cross-sectional study on knowledge and the ability of hypertension treatment among physicians in district and community hospitals
收稿日期:2003-06-27  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 高血压  血压水平分级  危险分层
英文关键词: Hy pertension  Blood pressure stages  Risk stratificatio n
基金项目:国家“十五”科技攻关课题资助项目 (2001BA703B02 )
王文化 100029 北京市心肺血管疾病研究所安贞医院流行病学研究室 
赵冬 100029 北京市心肺血管疾病研究所安贞医院流行病学研究室 
曾哲淳 100029 北京市心肺血管疾病研究所安贞医院流行病学研究室 
贾妍娜 100029 北京市心肺血管疾病研究所安贞医院流行病学研究室 
刘颖 北京市海淀区卫生局医管中心 
朱秀萍 北京市朝阳区医药卫生协会 
王志香 内蒙古包钢医院 
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      目的 了解大城市和中等城市基层医院内科系列医生对高血压病诊断治疗知识的掌握情况以及对高血压病例的临床处理能力。方法 2002年7~ 10月,对北京市海淀区和朝阳区 42家基层医院 (包括二级医院、一级医院和乡卫生院 )以及内蒙古包头市包钢医院共计 75 4名内科系列的医生,采用闭卷笔试的方式,进行高血压病有关临床知识和实际处理病例能力的调查。结果 (1)基层医生对高血压患者血压水平分级的正确率为 64 %,危险分层的正确率为 28%,治疗策略选择的正确率为 54 % ;(2 )基层医生对高血压非药物治疗的知识掌握不足 ;(3)基层医生对常用降压药物 (如利尿剂、β受体阻滞剂、ACEI、复方降压片和降压0号等 )的慎用症或禁忌症的知识掌握较差。结论 基层医生关于高血压病的诊断治疗知识和实际处理高血压病例的能力处于较低的水平,亟需提高。
      Objective To estimate the knowledge level and clinical ability of hy pertensio n treatment among physicians in district and community hospitals in big and moderate cities.Methods 43 district and community hospitals w ere selected by no n-random sampling in Beijing and Baotou inner-Mo ngoliamunicipality.A to al of 754 physicians in those hospitals were investigated, through an examination.Results The co rrect rates on blood pressure stag es, risk stratification and treatment strateg y were 64%,28 % and 54%, respectively.The know ledge level on non-pharmaco logic treatments w as insufficient among physicians.The knowledg e level of special indications on the common antihypertensive drugs (such as diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors) was even worse.Conclusion Physicians in district andcommunity hospitals did no t have enough knowledg e and ability to fulfill the task of hy pertensio n treatment and management.
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