童志礼,马莉,章菁,侯安存,郑丽舒,金宗平,谢华萍,马兰,张丽杰,Ivanoff B,Glass RI,Bresee JS,Jiang XI,Kilgore PE,方肇寅.北京友谊医院1998~2001年轮状病毒哨点监测分析[J].中华流行病学杂志,2003,24(12):1100-1103
Epidemiological study of rotavirus diarrhea in Beijing, China-a hospita-l based surveillance from1998-2001??
收稿日期:2003-04-10  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 轮状病毒  哨点监测  腹泻
英文关键词: Rotavirus  Sur veillance  Diar rhea
基金项目:世界卫生组织课题基金资助项目 (V27/181/123 ) ;美国NIH课题基金资助项目 (R0 3TW01192 ) ;国家“863”计划基金资助项目(2001AA212171)
童志礼 100052 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所  
马莉 北京友谊医院儿科  
章菁 100052 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所  
侯安存 北京友谊医院儿科  
郑丽舒 100052 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所  
金宗平 北京友谊医院儿科  
谢华萍 100052 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所  
马兰 北京友谊医院儿科  
张丽杰 100052 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所  
Ivanoff B Department of Vaccines and Biologicals, WHO  
Glass RI Viral Gastroenteritis Section,CDC, GA, USA  
Bresee JS Viral Gastroenteritis Section,CDC, GA, USA  
Jiang XI Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati,OH,USA  
Kilgore PE International Vacine Institute, Seoul, Korea  
方肇寅 100052 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所 fangzhyn@263.net 
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      目的 了解 5岁以下儿童中以医院为基础的轮状病毒流行情况。方法 按WHO轮状病毒监测的通用方法 (CID 98)进行,轮状病毒检测采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 /酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)。毒株分型用ELISA/逆转录聚合酶链反应。结果 从 1998年4月至2001年3月收集的484份腹泻患儿粪便标本中,检出阳性标本 12 3份,总的轮状病毒感染检出率为 25.4 %,住院和门诊患儿检出率分别是 31.6 %和 2 7.3%,而在轮状病毒流行季节,则可以引起高达 4 6.2 %急性腹泻住院率。腹泻患儿发病呈现两个明显的季节高峰 :一个由细菌性痢疾引起的夏季 (6~9月 )发病高峰,另一个是轮状病毒感染腹泻造成的秋冬季 (10~12月 )发病高峰。轮状病毒感染 96.8%发生于 3岁以下幼儿,主要在 6~11月龄 (38.2 % )和 1~ 2岁 (28.5 % )年龄组,轮状病毒感染率在 6~35月龄年龄段最高。流行的轮状病毒G血清型依次为G1(55.3% )、G2 (26.8% )、G3(9.8% )和G4 (0.8% ),没有发现G9型,10份 (8.1% )标本未能分型,混合感染 (0.8% )罕见。结论 轮状病毒腹泻是北京市儿童的重要传染病,开发应用安全有效的轮状病毒疫苗将对减轻轮状病毒疾病负担有重要作用。
      Objective ?? To provide information on epidemiology o f r otav irus infection in Beijing, China. Methods ?? An ongoing hospita-l based surveillance was conducted among childr en < 5yr old with acute diarr hea according to WHO generic protocol ( CID- 98). During a 3- year study ( Apr. 1998 to Mar.2001), a total of 484 stool samples were co llected from 1 457 patients, including 275 samples from 1048 outpatients and 209 samples from 409 inpat ients. Results ?? The overall detection r ate of rotavirus infection was 25. 4%. Rotav irus w as responsible for 27. 3% of diarr hea inpat ients on a yearly base, and 46.2% during rotav irus season. Tw o peaks o f diarrhea were observed each year, one in the summer ( Jun.- Sep. )due to bacterial dysentery (16. 7%) and another in fall w inter (Oct.-Dec.) due to r otav irus infection(23. 0%). T he detection rate on r otav irus w as the highest in age gr oup of 6- 11 months ( 38. 2%),followed by 1- 2 years old ( 28. 5%). Ninety six point eight per centage of children w ere infected under 3years o f age. The unmber of deaths, possibly caused by rotavir us diarr hea w ere accounted for 40% of all diarrhea deaths and 11. 1% of the total deaths. Sero typing of 123 rotavirus isolates show ed that serotype G1 ( 55. 3%) was predominant, followed by G2 ( 26. 8%), G3 ( 9. 8%), G4 (0. 8%), and 10 isolates(8.1%) remained no n- typeable. Mix ed infections ( 0. 8%) seemed to be r e. Conclusion?? Rotavirus diarrhea w as an important infectious disease among children in Beijing. Safe and effective rotavirus vaccines for the prevention of severe diarrheas and the r eduction of treatment costs are of significant impor tance to China.
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